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News of: 17.03.2020
Service of foreign parcels by Poczta Polska
In reference to the message of March 14 this year, on the suspension of receiving all postal items to other countries, we would like to inform you that sending foreign shipments (without EMS shipments) is restored to the following countries in the given scope: Germany - letters (priority and economic), parcels (priority and economic) and global expres; Czech Republic and Slovakia - letters (priority and [...]
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News of: 17.03.2020
Volunteering on postage stamps - update
Poczta Polska and the BOŚ Foundation informs that due to the introduction of the state of epidemic threat, the schedule of the art competition for the project of the postage stamp "World of the Eyes of Young" changes. Registration of facilities lasts until April 30, 2020, and until June 5 this year. The facilities have time to conduct internal competitions and send competition entries. The results of the competition will be announced on the website of the competition in the second half of June 2020 [...]
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News of: 14.03.2020
Changes in connection with the introduction of an epidemic threat
Poczta Polska introduces changes in the services rendered. The company is in constant contact with the Chief Sanitary Inspector and other services responsible for the safety of people living in Poland. From the next Monday (16.03 this year) in connection with the suspension of air transport, the post office suspends the admission of shipments to other countries. Changes in the organization of work of postal facilities are introduced: the working hours of the branches on days [...]
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News of: 13.03.2020
Suspension of accepting priority postal parcels and EMS shipments to the USA
In connection with the decision of the US President to suspend the reception of passenger aircraft from Europe to the USA and information from the airlines on suspending air connections to the USA, we inform about the suspension until the notice of receiving priority postal shipments (including Global Expres) and EMS shipments addressed to the USA.
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