Two characters with a metal suitcase on the background of the car


Cash safety and customer values ​​are the basis for the functioning of every company. Any disappearance of cash or value is a real loss that negatively affects the functioning of the company and affects its credibility.

We offer value transport services or protecting employees transferring values. Full responsibility for the services performed is guaranteed by our experienced security teams and insurance policies.

We provide transport and value protection services throughout the country 7 days a week and 24 hours a day.

Two security staff with a suitcase and a van, Poczta Polska

Goods with high value, which, due to their parameters, transport conditions or their specificity, cannot be transported by vehicles dedicated to the transport of values ​​(bank seats) require the use of specialized vehicles. Transport of goods with vehicles that do not meet the parameters of a banking machine is associated with an increased risk of loss, damage or purchase of expensive additional insurance. To meet the needs of customers, we offer professional protection in transport:

  • electronics,
  • highly specialist equipment,
  • dimensional goods,
  • goods of considerable value and others.
Folder with a red inscription Top Secret

Cooperation with Poczta Polska gives confidence in the transport of documentation at the highest level of security. We have experience, qualified staff with security certificates and technical means to perform the transport and escort service:

  • cash
  • monetary values,
  • checks,
  • vouchers,
  • bills of exchange,
  • other documents replacing cash,
  • ores - gold, silver, platinum,
  • precious stones,
  • numismats.
A young man with a laptop on his knees sits comfortably in an armchair and looks with a smile towards the viewer.


Digital world within your range.
