Aircraft at the airport among service vehicles

Protection of airports

The basic purpose of protecting aviation is to prevent terrorist acts. We believe that the key to effective airport management are modern solutions for protection systems.

The basis of the protection system is effective implementation of all preventive measures regarding access control, public zone, aircraft, passengers and their luggage.

The safety of people, luggage or access control is a fundamental element of civil aviation protection. It is mainly aimed at detecting prohibited and dangerous items that can cause damage both on the ground after entering the reserved zone and during the flight.

Security control offered by Poczta Polska Protection is performed by security control operators who have appropriate, important certificates for performing such tasks. Security control operators carry out their tasks using both technical devices, such as:

  • X -ray devices working in the EDS (Explosive Detection System) explosive system
  • WTMD magnetic gates (Thru Metal Detector Walk)
  • HAND HHMD (Hand Held Metal Detection) detectors
  • Detection devices for trace amounts of ETD explosives (Explosive Trace Detection)
  • manual control

Passengers are verified in terms of the validity of the on -board card before going to the security control point. This operation is called access control, i.e. checking whether the passenger is entitled to enter the reserved airport zone. Of course, not only passengers undergo safety control, but also airport employees are controlled, who use safety control points in most designated only for them.

Procedures and periodic training of security control operators with the help of its own training center that Poczta Polska has in the entire system. The human factor and an increase in passengers' awareness of potential threats are important here.

Our employees are very well prepared for the special requirements of OKB employees. They meet the highest standards in the field of knowledge, practice, quality and reliability of the tasks performed. In addition, their knowledge was verified by the Civil Aviation Office, which issued them the necessary certificates to perform these difficult and responsible tasks.

Poczta Polska has a lot of experience in the protection of airports, including

  • in Modlin
  • in Katowice
  • in Poznań
  • in Gdańsk
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