Banknotes, coins and calculator

Service cash

On the cash service market, we are among the largest companies in Poland. We guarantee the highest security of services, supported by high insurance policies, as well as availability throughout the country. Among the clients with whom we cooperate in this area are both banks, financial institutions, retail chains as well as small and medium -sized enterprises.

We have the largest network of modernly equipped cash service centers, which are equipped with modern devices - banknot sorters, coin sorters, countries, and the safety of processes and supported values ​​support the security systems used.

In cash service centers, we carry out the process of verification of cash in terms of quantitative and its values ​​in Polish and foreign currency, which is carried out in accordance with the ordinance of the President of the NBP regarding the method and procedure for converting, sorting, packaging and marking packaging of banknotes and coins, and performing activities related to supplying banks with later changes and internal regulations.

Payments and payment of cash in a closed form:

Closed payment - this is cash received from the Customer in a secure packaging together with the payment proof attached, in order to make their payment, within the deadline agreed in the contract, to the bank account indicated by the Customer.
We accept full responsibility from the moment the payment is closed in the agreed location, until the transfer of cash transfer to the bank account specified by the Customer in the contract.

Closed payment - this is our property, which is prepared in advance in our countries - cash service centers and provided to the customer in safe packaging.
We accept full responsibility for the implementation of the payment closed from the moment we recognize our bank account with the amount of this payment, until the Customer is written in writing to receive the amount of this payment.

    • No costs of "freezing" money,
    • Lack of operating costs of personal cash management in the number,
    • Lack of costs of maintenance in their structures of the number - in the case of banks,
    • The possibility of using the services of provided services in standard or extraordinary mode,
    • The service and cooperation with the NBP remains on the side of Poczta Polska.


Excess is cash derived from the defaults from the location of the contractor, transferred in a safe packaging, in order to calculate it, and thus checking in terms of value, quality and authenticity. The amount in excess, determined as a result of this verification, is transferred to a bank account indicated by the contractor in the contract.
Cash in excess is owned by the contractor, until the transfer of the transfer by Poczta Polska SA

The allowance is a cash previously converted and placed in a safe packaging in the numbering rooms - cash centers, based on the order provided by the contractor, which are issued to the contractor or the person authorized by him.
Cash in the benefit is the property of the contractor, from the moment it is issued by the country to a contractor or an authorized person.

The Cashprocessing service can also occur together with the convoy service (cash transport) , provided by our operational sections ( more here ).

    • No costs of "freezing" money,
    • Lack of operating costs of personal cash management in countries,
    • Lack of costs of maintenance in their structures of the number - in the case of banks,
    • The possibility of using the services of provided services in standard or extraordinary mode,
    • The service and cooperation with the NBP remains on the side of Poczta Polska.


The service includes a set of activities performed in the process of servicing entrusted monetary values, which are owned by the customer in the countries of Poczta Polska, implemented for the points indicated by the bank (branches, devices, clients). The Cash Handling service includes:

Cash processing:

  • Preparation of cash overhaps from the funds entrusted to the bank,
  • storage of cash entrusted by the bank in the countries,
  • Cash storage support for device cassettes (e.g. ATMs, recyclers, cash deposit machines),
  • Realization of cash service on behalf of the bank in relation to the NBP or with other banks.

The Cash Handling service can also occur together with the convoy service (cash transport) , provided by our operational sections ( more here ).

All elements of the service provided as part of the Cash Handling service are reported, as agreed between the client and Poczta Polska.

As part of improvements in service, we suggest

Order service

The system dedicated to our clients, made available on a secured website, through which, using individual passwords, the customer may transfer orders to deposits and payments closed (financial service) as well as excess and allowance (cashprocessing). Using the website, our clients have insight into the activities of their employees, in particular the history of transactions divided into each location.

This service also allows you to generate proof of payment with QR with the code, to the transfer order in PLN and excess in PLN.

QR code

Graphics code, in which the information required by our clients is automatically coded when using the ordering service, including those placed on the required proof of payment. Such proof of payment with QR code is enough to print and attach to the payment in PLN. For our clients it is the profit itself; It reduces the risk of errors to a minimum and improves the payment preparation process through the process electronization and time saving.

We allow you to generate proof of payment with QR code with:

  • ordering service, also without the need to transfer orders by order service; Instructions - download
  • from the system of our clients, according to strictly defined guidelines;

If you are interested in our services or technological capabilities, please contact us:


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