Female hands removing a letter from the mailbox

Postal codes, i.e. postal address numbers (PNA)

Do you want to improve your shipments to reach the addressees faster? Postal address numbers are for you.

The official list of postal postal numbers (official PNA) is a unique connection of the post -codes database assigned to all places in the country, demonstrated by the Central Statistical Office in the National Official Register of Territorial Division of the TERYT country. The PNA list is the only reliable source of address information.

You can buy a PNA in electronic version in our online store.

The download section contains all documents and details of the offer for postal operators .

This is a full and current collection of postal codes (PNA) consisting of four parts:

  • Alphabetically given towns, including streets according to the numerical scope of real estate in towns with more than one PNA
  • Institutions and business entities together with their address and name
  • Post offices with their address and name
  • Organizational units of Poczta Polska together with their address and name

You can buy the official PNA list in our online store

As part of the annual subscription, Poczta Polska provides data in the formats *PDF, *TXT, *XLS with a search engine mechanism as well as quarterly updates of the official PNA list.

The offered official PNA list in electronic version is an ideal solution for secretariats, offices and office workers of all types of companies and institutions. This is an effective and easy tool tool, useful in particular to shipping companies, contact institutions with society, banks, insurance companies, media suppliers (gas, heat and electrical energy), as well as telecommunications, internet and television operators, i.e. all our clients sending large amounts of shipments.

Poczta Polska SA as a designated operator provides an official PNA list also to other postal operators (in accordance with the Postal Law - Article 66 The designated operator is obliged to provide access to infrastructure elements, including access to the postal code system identifying areas of delivery). This obligation is carried out by concluding a written contract, after submitting a written application by the postal operator. For the access of postal operators to the official PNA list, an electronic version is charged a fee in the amount specified in the price list. The necessary files are available below in the download section.

Contact us

Telephone calls


+ 48 43 842 06 01

The hotline is open from Monday to Friday
from 8:00 - 16:00

Regulations of access operators to the Identifying Code System
Access price list for postal operators to the Identifying System System
Application for access to the postal code system identifying areas of delivery
Official list of postal postal numbers