Fragment of the hand writing on the laptop

e sender

What is an electronic sender ?

Electronic broadcaster (EN) is an online application that was created to improve the process of sending national postal parcels (Pocztex, Pocztex procedure, postal package, registered mail, unregistered shipment, valuable shipment, marketing shipment, palette shipment) and foreign parcel (EMS, foreign parcels, foreign parcel, foreign parcel, foreign parcel, Global Express).

EN is a modern application that allows:

  • electronic shipment preparation process,
  • generating transmitting documents (transmitting book, quantitative statement and a statement for the company Poczta),
  • creating an address book - easy management of your own recipient base (addressees),
  • access to full documentation related to shipment handling,
  • Simple preparation of XLS and PDF reports,
  • electronic communication: customer - commercial guardian,
  • electronic confirmation of the transmitting book,
  • Import of shipping data: from (Allegro Smart), from client applications (Webapi or XML in accordance with the requirements of Poczta Polska SA), from XLS files, the possibility of using applications and sales platforms and numerous applications integrating client systems with an electronic sender,
  • saving costs related to shipping service.

This is not the end of EN - the application automatically transfers and receive data with information about the transmitted shipments, communicating directly with the post office specified in the contract. All shipments prepared using the system can be followed from its panel or generate by a collective report in XLS format.

How to start? / User Manual

If you are interested in using this application, please complete the contact form in the tab you do not have an account? Send a form . After completing it, you will receive an e-mail login and password that allows you to log in to the application. For facilitating, we include:

You can also integrate your system with our system. Check here how you can do it.

A hand with a pen indicating a transparent screen.

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