Courier, transferring the package to the addressee

Pickup from the client's headquarters - company post office

By sending large amounts of company correspondence, you don't have to go to the post office - the mail can come to you!
Company post is a service under which all correspondence with broadcast documents and a list of shipments will be picked up, e.g. from the headquarters of your company (on your days and hours), and then transferred to shipping at the post office.


A fixed monthly fee for the service will be dependent only on the number of shipments per week. Check the fees for a given frequency of receipt in the price list. You can read the detailed conditions of providing the service in the regulations.

Company mail - a statement of shipments

Learn more

Telephone calls


(+48) 438 420 600

(fee according to the operator's price list)

The hotline is open from Monday to Friday

in 8:00 - 20:00

Email contact

A hand with a pen indicating a transparent screen.

We will adjust the offer to your business

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