Financial services
We provide a wide range of transparent and attractive financial services. Cash transfers (deposits to bills, postal and cash messages in the country and abroad) are the most popular among our clients. Thanks to cooperation with Bank Pocztowy and AGRO insurance - the Mutual Insurance Association and the Postal Insurance Association for Life, our clients also have access to a comprehensive offer of banking and insurance services.
Together, we create a trustworthy space in which it is easy to find. Choose the services you are interested in and learn more.
For any bank account in Poland
RTV subscription
Also pay online
Domestic and foreign
Stationary currency exchange
Replace the currency at the post office
Services at the POS Terminal
Messages and payments
Banking products
Safe financial services
A wide offer for every occasion

In connection with Article 20d of the Act on payment services, Poczta Polska, as a provider of payment services, provides on its website an information brochure of the European Commission regarding consumer rights when making payments in the Member States, developed on the basis of Article 106 (1) of the European Parliament and Council Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of November 25, 2015. on payment services within the internal market that you can download here.