Faces of characters from banknotes of various currencies

Stationary currency exchange

If you go abroad or for another reason you need cash in the most popular currencies, you don't have to look for an exchange office. All you have to do is go to the post office marked with the Kantor sticker . In all exchange offices of Poczta Polska, it is possible to replace the following currencies:

Permanently on offer:

  • Euro (EUR)
  • American dollar (USD)
  • Pound sterling (GBP)
  • Frank Swiss (CHF)

The following are also available:

  • Czech Crown (CZK)
  • Danish Crown (DKK)
  • Forint (HUF)
  • Norwegian crown (NOK)
  • Swedish crown (sec)

Why is it worth it?

Favorable courses

Poczta Polska exchange offices offer attractive courses and the possibility of negotiating the price when exceeding PLN 1,000 of the transaction value.

Extensive network

Postal currency exchange offices are available in over 722 post offices, located in attractive locations throughout the country. Cantors are open during the working hours of postal facilities.

Warranty and certainty

We provide transaction security, always clear rules and certainty of courses used for transactions. In the scope of cantor operations, Poczta Polska is subject to the supervision of the National Bank of Poland.

The graphic shows the wallet from which the payment card and coins are protruding

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