Globe on the pile of packages

Foreign postal package

It is a registered (priority or economic) shipment with a maximum weight of 20 kg containing items, accepted to move and deliver to the indicated address in the country of destination.

Dates of service


are delivered in accordance with the deadlines specified in additional information regarding postal services in foreign trade


Estimated dates for delivery of parcels have been set , where D - means the day of granting the package, n - means the number of working days between the date of posting and service

Prices and weight ranges

Check the fees for postal packages in the calculator or download the price list.


The postal package in foreign trade returned to the sender is subject to fees. The amount charged from the sender in Poland is the sum of fees charged by the foreign operator for the development and transport of a package returned to Poland and fees as for the economic parcel in domestic trade with the same mass and size A.

In the case of a postal package with a declared value, the refund fee is the sum of the fees charged by the foreign operator and the fee as for the economic postal package in domestic trade with a declared value of the same mass and dimension A.

In the case of foreign economic and priority parcels, including with a declared value with a mass of over 10 kg, the return fee is respectively as for an economic postal package or an economic postal package with a declared value with a dimensions and a weight of 10 kg in domestic trade. Details are given in the price list.



Package dimensions: 9 cm x 14 cm


Package dimensions: length + circumference (measured in a different direction) = 300 cm, with maximum length = 150 cm

All dimensions are taken with +/- 2 mm tolerance


up to 20 kg

Detailed information on the maximum dimensions and mass of shipments sent to a given country is available in additional information regarding postal services in foreign trading .

A young, smiling girl is sitting on the couch and browsing the smartphone.

Free advice by SMS or e-mail



The contents of a foreign postal package should be given in detail in the form -CP 72 and, possibly, copies of the CN 23 customs declaration should be attached. Providing general information is not allowed. The sender may also attach to the package any document necessary for customs activities in the country of giving in the country of purpose, such as: invoice, export permission, import permission, certificate of origin, sanitary certificate, etc. These documents, as well as any additional copies of CN 23 customs declarations, are placed in a transparent self -adhesive envelope attached to the package.

In the event that the parcel destination requires more than one customs declaration, you should complete and attach to the package by completing the CP 72 form CN 23 customs declarations on individual forms.

The sender should confirm by signing the appropriate text printed on the CP 72 form, the truth of the information provided by them in the customs declaration and that the package does not contain any dangerous item prohibited by postal regulations. The sender also confirms with the signature of the truth he provides on each additional copy of the CN 23 customs declaration attached.

It is not required to complete the customs declaration for parcels sent to countries belonging to the European Union, however, the sender should confirm with his signature that the package does not contain any dangerous item forbidden by postal regulations.

Due to the risk of introducing diseases into the European Union, raw procedures apply to the introduction of certain animal products to the EU.
Details are available here.


In packages sent abroad by air, it is not allowed to send articles in aerosol containers, including deodorants and hairspray.

It is not allowed to send postal packages abroad containing:

  • Items that, due to their nature or packaging, can pose a danger to employees, dirty or damage other parcels or postal equipment or property belonging to third parties
  • Drugs and psychotropic substances or other illegal intoxicants forbidden in the country of purpose
  • Documents with the nature of current and personal correspondence mentioned between people other than the sender and the addressee or people living with them; Correspondence, except for archival materials, mentioned between people other than the sender and the addressee or people living with them
  • Explosives, flammable, inflammatory or other hazardous materials
  • Disarmed explosive equipment and equipment, including disarmed grenades, missiles and other similar items, as well as replicas of these devices and objects; radioactive substances and substances that cause infection
  • Indecent and immoral objects; Fake and pirate copies
  • Items whose import or turnover is prohibited in the country of destination
  • Live animals

Detailed information on special conditions and limitations broken down into individual countries. There is additional information regarding postal services in foreign trading.

In addition, we recommend that you get information directly in customs offices and commercial partners abroad who will provide possible changes in national customs regulations.

  • Priority

Declared value

By sending a parcel, you can declare the value of items sent in it. In the case of foreign packages, countries differently determine possible rates of declaring value and some countries do not accept shipments with a declared value. Details on this topic can be found here . The fee for every PLN 50.00 of the declared value or part of them is PLN 1.00.

Valuable universal services in domestic trade-and-wagranic-01.2022
Regulations for the provision of universal services
Additional information on postal services in foreign trade
Information on customs declarations and other restrictions
Information about countries to which packages with a declared value can be broadcast
List of exchange offices
List of countries that do not accept parcels addressed to Poststante
List of countries demanding to withdraw the change and correction of the package address
Postal agencies taking shipments prepared to send by the Electronic Application Application
Addressing template
A request for delivery
Customs Declaration
Address sticker
Addressing template - postal package with a declared value
The young smiling girl stands in the door, receives a parcel that he holds in her hands.

I am comfortable at home.
