Hand holding an envelope with a letter inside

Ordinary foreign

Who said that with friends at the other end of the world you can only communicate online? The development of technology has not caused you to use traditional correspondence anymore. Addressed envelope, stamp stamp and a letter inserted inside. Just so that your letter goes to the addressee inbox.

Dates of service


The dates of delivery below are expected terms (D - means the day of sending the parcel, n - means the number of working days between the date of posting and delivery).


in zone countries A

(Europe, including Cyprus, all of Russia and Israel) until the third business day after the day of posting (d+3),

in the countries of zone B

(North America, Africa), C (South America, Central and Asia), D (Australia and Oceania) until the fifth business day after the day of posting (D+5).

Shipments sent after 15.00 are treated as broadcast on the next day.

In the case of European Union countries, the standard for delivery of 85% of the fastest category shipments (priority) (priority) (D+3) and delivery of 97% of shipments within five working days (D+5) are applied specified in the European Union directive.

In the case of other countries, the standard of delivery standard of 80% of the fastest category shipments (priority) specified by the World Postal Association is applies to the delivery standard within five business days (D+5).

Prices and weight ranges

Check the fees for a letter in foreign trade in the calculator or download the price list.



The dimensions of the address page cannot be less than 90 x 140 mm


The sum of length, width and height - 900 mm, with the largest of these dimensions (length) cannot exceed 600 mm

The dimensions of letter shipments sent in the form of a roll are:


The sum of the length plus the double diameter - 304 mm, with the largest dimension (length) cannot be less than 210 mm


The sum of the length plus the double diameter - 1040 mm, with the largest dimension (length) cannot exceed 900 mm

All dimensions are taken with +/- 2 mm tolerance.


up to 2000 g

As part of the ordinary letter, you can give correspondence, prints, documents, magazines, books or small items allowed for postal transport. In addition, the following animals can be placed in the letter shipments:

  • Bees, leeches and silkworms
  • Parasites and destroyers of harmful insects, intended for combating these insects, and mentioned between officially recognized institutions
  • Mucha from the Family of the Prosophilidae family intended to conduct biomedical tests mentioned between officially known institutions

Due to the risk of introducing diseases into the European Union, raw procedures apply to the introduction of certain animal products to the EU.
Details are available here.


In the case of shipments containing goods sent to countries outside the European Union, CN 22 customs declaration should be completed and attached or attach the CN customs declaration 23.

A young, smiling girl is sitting on the couch and browsing the smartphone.

Free advice by SMS or e-mail


Price list of universal services in domestic and foreign trading
Regulations for the provision of universal services
Countries that provide a withdrawal service, changes, corrections of the letter of the letter in the trade foreign
Information on customs declarations and other restrictions
List of prohibited items in postal parcels broadcast in foreign trade
CN customs declaration 22
Request to make shipments
Shipping storage request
Request for amending the contract in foreign trading

Shipments for blind and visually impaired people

Fragment of the hand of the person reading the document in Braille's alphabet

This type of parcel may contain correspondence or prints made in convex letter or saved on another medium enabling the reading and visually impaired reading. What is extremely important, we accept these parcels in domestic transactions for sending without fees (in the economic shipment variant) - as letters (up to 2000 g) or packages up to 7000 g.

Dates of service


Priority - the expected date of service is three working days after a date of posting ( D+3 ),

Economic - the expected delivery date is five business days after the date of broadcast ( D+5 ).



in zone countries (Europe including Cyprus, all of Russia and Israel)- until the third business day after the day of broadcast (D+3),
in the countries of Zone B (North America, Africa),
in zone C (South America, Central and Asia),
in the countries of Zone D (Australia and Oceania)- until the fifth day after the day of posting (D+5).

The expected terms of the service do not constitute guaranteed delivery deadlines.

Prices and weight ranges


Unregistered economic shipments,
economic registered parcels,
letter shipments with declared economic value,
postal packages, including with declared economic value.


Letters unregistered priority,
priority registered parcels,
letter parcels with declared priority value,
postal packages, including with the declared economic value.

In the case of letter shipments and postal packages, a subsidy for a complementary service is paid - confirmation of receipt.

In the case of priority shipments (in addition to foreign letters of priority), a fee is paid to the difference between the fee for the priority parcel of a given type and category and the fee for the economic parcel of the same type and weight category.


Dimensions of standard shipments:


The dimensions of the address page cannot be less than 90 x 140 mm,


The sum of length, width and height - 900 mm, with the largest of these dimensions (length) cannot exceed 600 mm.

The dimensions of parcels in the form of a roll in national are:


The sum of the length plus the double diameter - 170 mm, with the largest dimension (length) cannot be less than 100 mm,


The sum of the length plus the double diameter - 1040 mm, with the largest dimension (length) cannot exceed 900 mm.

The dimensions of parcels in the form of a roll in foreign are:


The sum of the length plus the double diameter - 304 mm, with the largest dimension (length) cannot be less than 210 mm,


The sum of the length plus the double diameter - 1040 mm, with the largest dimension (length) cannot exceed 900 mm.

All dimensions are taken with +/- 2 mm tolerance.


up to 7000g.


Prints for the use of invisible and visually impaired, broadcast in an open state and clichés with seques, i.e. with convex print read by invalid and visually impaired people. It may also contain, intended only for the use of invisible and visually impaired sound recordings and special paper, provided that they are sent by the officially recognized institute for the blind or addressed to it.

Normal, registered and valuable lists may be issued as a parcel for invisible and visually impaired - they require a 52 x 65 mm mark on the parcel address page .

Additional services

  • Priority
  • Confirmation of receipt
Price list of universal services in domestic and foreign trading
Regulations for the provision of universal services
Confirmation of posting - for you
Transmitting form
Confirmation of receipt
Postproof Shipment for the blind
Picker confirmation of receipt
Priority sticker
Re -notification/notification
Postal power of attorney
Request to make shipments
Shipping storage request
Request for amendments to the contract


Logo Negrozenac

This is a modern equivalent of a postage stamp.

You can buy it through the Envelo platform and print it on your printer. You will throw a letter with a stamp into the box or broadcast at the post office.

Neon -legged neural ones are sold at the price of traditional postal stamps.

Buy a neonar


Send a traditional letter from your computer . We will print and deliver it to the recipient.

Send Neolist
A smiling woman and a man, against a bright room, looking at the tablet that a woman holds in her hand

Convenient online payments
