A fragment of two hands, one holding a pen, the other indicating something on the tablet

Mission and strategy

Stabilization - transformation - development

The strategic message of Poczta Polska is clear - our stakeholders are the most important. We change for our clients who expect reliable and safe services from us, provided quickly and on time, conveniently and modern - so that thanks to the use of new technologies Poczta Polska is always at your fingertips.

City view, wheels graphics, and in them shadows of the character

Comprehensive transformation

The essence of the strategy is to create a comprehensive transformation of the company (business, technological and cultural) and accelerate the process of its modernization. The company's financial stabilization is a condition for effective transformation that will enable long -term development in the most promising business areas.

Cultural transformation

Change of organizational culture from "Clerk" to business and pro -proxies, focused on purposes, effects and accountability.

Business transformation

A permanent change in business priorities to areas with the best development perspective (ecommerce and digital business, KEP, logistics).

Technological transformation

Implementation of modern technologies (IT systems, new logistics and operational models) correlated with business priorities.

Business priorities

The company's strategy determines priorities in the activities of Poczta Polska related to business areas with the highest growth potential: KEP and ECOMmerce segment, logistics market and digital services.


Digital services

Logistics services


On the KEP and ECOMmerce market, we have the ambition to offer not only shipment supply services (directly to the addressee, to the indicated collection point or parcel machine), but also other services from the value chain for ECOMMERCE customers. The already introduced product and procedural changes, launching the network of parcel machines, mobile application and the expansion and automation of the logistics network will allow to strengthen the position of Poczta Polska as one of the leaders of the KEP market.

As part of the development of logistics services, Poczta Polska will gradually increase the scale of operations in the logistics services segment, expanding the customer base and the scope of product offer.

At the same time, the Company will implement the operator's mission set by the state designated for the implementation of the universal service. However, the presence of Poczta Polska on the communication services market will evolve in connection with permanent changes in consumer preferences and digitization of communication methods. The implementation of solutions enabling the role of the National Digital Operator and the development of commercial digital and hybrid services are one of the company's main priorities in the coming years.

Graphics consisting of three photos, on the first graphics of electronic services of Poczta Polska, on the second sorting plant with packages, and on the third packet machine