Hands with painted flags of states

International cooperation

In addition to the implementation of national services, Poczta Polska performs its mission by participating in an international postal exchange based on foreign activities.

This activity has two dimensions:
- participation in international postal organizations and-
multi-sided cooperation with foreign postal operators

Objectives of Poczta Polska in the field of cooperation with international organizations:

  • Providing clients with full access to international postal exchange in accordance with applicable quality and safety standards.
  • Ensuring the Polish Post Office of the leading European postal operator, inspiring and developing international cooperation for raising the quality and compatibility of postal services.
  • Creating conditions for the development of Poczta Polska through exchange of experiences and cooperation with international postal organizations and postal operators.

Poczta Polska actively participates in the work of the following
international organizations:

UPU logo

World Postal Association (UPU)

The World Postal Association as a specialized United Nations Agenda was founded in 1874 and currently brings together 192 Member States. Poland has been a member of the UPU since 1919. Poland in the work of the Union is represented by: the Ministry of State Asset (owner of PP SA), the Office of Electronic Communications (regulator), Poczta Polska (designated postal operator).

The aim of the relationship is to ensure the functioning of a global postal network providing high -quality services and products. The main tasks of UPU are to promote international cooperation in the field of postal services, take care of the development of postal services and technical support for countries that are its members. UPU also sets standards in the field of trading in international postal parcels.

During the Congress of UPU in 2021, Poczta Polska was elected to the members of the Postal Exploitation Council, which is a statutory body and consists of 48 members.

Posteurop logo

Association of European designated postal operators (Posteurop)

The association was founded on January 12, 1993 in London. Poczta Polska is one of the 26 founding members and the signatorus of his statute. Currently, Kosteurop has 52 members and it belongs to all designated European postal operators.

Postureurop tasks include:

  • Representation and protection of the interests of postal operators who are its members.
  • Maintaining contacts and cooperation with international organizations, including: the World Postal Association, the European Association of Postal Market Regulators, the European Commission, etc.
  • Promotion of post development programs within the European Union.

A representative of Poczta Polska was elected to work in the current term of office of the Board of Posteurop.

International Post Corporation logo

International Post Corporation

Association founded in 1989 associating companies operating on the postal market (currently it consists of 26 designated postal operators, mainly from Europe, and Poczta Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States). Poczta Polska has the status of an associate member of this organization.

The association's mission is to provide support and access to expert knowledge to its members, and the goal is to improve the standards of providing postal services (and thus strengthening the position of the competitive post sector). IPC fills its mission by conducting a number of activities, e.g.

  • improving the quality of services,
  • creating standardized international services,
  • maintaining a common technological infrastructure,
  • moderating negotiations of settlements for international mail between designated operators,
  • gathering and analyzing market knowledge.

Postal group of Visegrad

"Visehrad Postal Group) is an informal forum of designated postal operators from: Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria and Slovenia to implement business initiatives in the area of ​​international exploitation and operational activities.

Multi- and bilateral cooperation with foreign postal operators:

  • joining multilateral agreements regulating the issues of introducing new international postal services,
  • double -sided cooperation involving the reconciliation of the operational conditions of the provision of postal services in bilateral relations,
  • Pioneering draft of rail transit from China to European countries conducted with Chinese mail.

Postal cooperation with Ukraine:

  • ensuring the continuity of postal exchange between Poland and Ukraine from the moment of aggression of Russia,
  • creating a air and road bridge and a hub enabling postal exchange between Ukraine and many countries in the world,
  • adaptation of postal services to current needs (including service of war refugees from Ukraine),
  • Cooperation with Ukraine's Post and railway operators of Poland and Ukraine on establishing an alternative logistics solution for postal transport.