People help each other climb the mountains, giving each other a helping hand

How we support

Poczta Polska as an employer creates a space for people who are in need. He organizes and joins in nationwide actions, and also establishes local cooperation with organizations and assistance institutions. At the same time, he promotes positive attitudes and supports the aspirations of his employees.

Two children in the super heroes in the meadow and the inscription joint help creates power

Postal Foundation Dar

"Postal Dar" is the Poczta Polska Corporate Foundation, which has been operating continuously since 2010. Since 2012, he has the status of a public benefit organization. The postal foundation helps the needy, involving, among others in helping employees of the Poczta Polska Group and their families. Support for people in need through co -financing for medical procedures, rehabilitation, purchase of drugs, medical equipment and treatment, injured as a result of random events (fires, gas explosions, storms), orphaned children, Christmas packages for people in a difficult life situation, help for non -governmental organizations - these are just some of the forms of help that they currently organize. In previous years, she also implemented the "message towards the future" scholarship program for gifted children and youth. Thanks to him, almost 500 young people with passion could develop their talents.

We help those in need

"Postal gift" also tries to respond to current social needs and engage in assistance programs. During the pandemic, the Foundation supported many regional medical institutions throughout Poland.

The funds she transferred - almost 600 thousand. PLN - were allocated to the purchase of infusion and nutrition pumps, laboratory equipment for analyzing coronavirus.

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Logo of the Foundation Postal Dar Foundation against the background of the hand view of an adult and a child holding a paper cutout

Help for Ukrainian citizens

In 2022, the "Pocztowy Dar" Foundation actively joined in helping Ukrainian citizens.

In cooperation with Poczta Polska and its clients as well as entities from the Poczta Polska group, she sent over 200 pallets with gifts worth over PLN 1.3 million to Ukraine. She also joined the #Squadlawas campaign run by Mein. As part of it, computers from Ukraine, staying in Poland, go to computers that allow them together with their classes in Ukraine. The Foundation also launched a special sub -account for payments for help to Ukraine.

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Loved hands of several people against the background of the flag of Ukraine

Employee Volunteering Program

Polish Post Office, in agreement and under the auspices of the "Pocztowy Dar" Foundation, launched an employee volunteer program

Its purpose is to support the commitment of postalists in projects conducted by the Foundation and initiated by the company's employees, and implemented for individual beneficiaries or non -governmental organizations, e.g. foundations, associations.

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A cheerful, mature woman comforting an old lady sitting in a wheelchair at home

Plenipotentiary for people with disabilities

Poczta Polska employs nearly 1,800 people with a disability certificate in the open labor market. Most of our employees with disabilities work as postmen and in positions related to customer service and and sorting plants. Everyone finds their place in the organization and often bind their professional life with post for many years.

We are one of the leaders in employing people with disabilities in the open labor market.
On May 10, 2023, the Company signed a declaration of inter -sectoral partnership, which aims to significantly increase the employment of people with disabilities. The declaration was signed by over 20 entities - companies and organizations - operating in the open labor market, in various industries and sectors of the economy. In this way, they committed to supporting the activities related to equality and prejudice labor market. Among them is, among others Promotion of employment of people with disabilities and striving to increase the employment rate for people with disabilities in Poland.

Employment indicator of people with disabilities

Since 2011, the employment rate for people with disabilities in Poczta Polska has been increasing successively each year. This is presented by the data presented below.

Month and year

Participation of people with disabilities
in employment

December 2023


December 2022


December 2021


December 2020


December 2019


December 2018


December 2017


December 2016


December 2015


December 2014


December 2013


December 2012


How we support

We want employees to be sure that Poczta Polska is open to people with disabilities. Direct superiors are involved in projects creating an open work environment that promotes employment and maintaining such employees in employment.

In Poczta Polska, the position of the Plenipotentiary of the Director of the Human Resources and Training for People with Disabilities was appointed, this function is performed by Joanna Nagodzka. The representative monitors projects related to the recruitment of people with disabilities in the company, cooperates with government organizations and non -governmental institutions supporting people with disabilities, he also represents the company in events related to people with disabilities and initiates activities related to the work environment. The representative also supports employees' contacts with disabilities with the employer.

We constantly offer jobs throughout the country, encouraging in recruitment advertisements to apply a person with disabilities. We care about the proper adaptation of new employees so that they can learn new duties in a planned and systematic way. We run very broad internal communication. We organize training and meetings inside the company. People with disabilities find a good place to work with us

- states
Joanna Nagodzka , representative of the Director of the Human Resources and Training for People with Disabilities.

Postal facilities are located all over Poland, also in small towns. People looking for a job, including people with disabilities, thus have a better chance of finding a job near their place of residence.

In addition to positions most often associated with the post office, such as a postman, customer service worker, facilities, a sorting worker, in large centers the offer includes, among others Business sales area, logistics, infrastructure area, IT, HR, accounting, control, public procurement, marketing communication, legal support, control, audit and OHS.

How we support

Poczta Polska is a large company that has managed to maintain in many post offices and build a good atmosphere, where there are close relations, people support each other, know their strengths and weaknesses. In such a team, a person with disabilities can find himself well and achieve professional success.

Supported practices

Poczta Polska has been supporting people with disabilities for years and cooperates with many institutions and assistance organizations. Organizes, among others Supported practices that help young people with disabilities enter the labor market and get independence.

The company has a "policy of employing people with disabilities . This document is a kind of declaration of Poczta Polska, regarding the equalization of opportunities to employ people at risk of exclusion on the labor market.

A young man with a laptop on his knees sits comfortably in an armchair and looks with a smile towards the viewer.


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