20,000 postmen with the application of a mobile banker on the tablet
Mobile banker - a joint project of Bank Pocztowy and Poczta Polska - is gaining momentum. Thanks to the so -called ledom obtained through a mobile banker, loans with a total value of nearly PLN 3 million were granted, i.e. 10 times more than after the first month of the project operation. 20,000 postmen have access to the application enabling the collection of contact details of people potentially interested in obtaining additional financing.
- The project, which was created from scratch with our strategic Polish Post, is gaining momentum. At the end of August, i.e. after the first month of the mobile banker, thanks to the Bank Pocztowy Bank obtained through the Leadów application, he granted loans with a total value of over PLN 300,000. Now, thanks to mobile bankers, the value of loans granted using the contacts obtained in this way has increased to PLN 2.9 million - says Marcin Ledworowski, a member of the board of Bank Pocztowy.
The project launched in the middle of the holiday is the result of strategic cooperation between companies from the Poczta Polska Group. It was created so that the largest group of citizens could benefit from it. Customers gain access to Bank Pocztowy's credit products, financial advisers of Poczta Polska. Access to the so -called credit leads, and postmen commission for acquiring contact.
- A mobile banker is an example of using synergy between Poczta Polska and a postal bank. This is one of the elements that facilitate the development of postal banking in Poland, so popular also in Europe, including France and Switzerland - says Andrzej Bodziony, vice president of the Poczta Polska Board and chairman of the Supervisory Board of Bank Pocztowy.
As part of the mobile banker project, a specially prepared tablet application has been prepared. Postmen from all over the country can use it to collect contact details of people, potentially interested in using the cash loan offer. The names and other information, such as contact details and phone number, are entered in a special form on the tablet and with the consent of the customer are sent directly to the adviser. He contacts later with the client to arrange a meeting at a time convenient for him at the selected Poczta Polska facility.
- The mobile banker is the answer of Poczta Polska to the increasing interest of our clients with services provided using modern communication tools. It is also a common contribution of Poczta Polska and Bank Pocztowy in counteracting digital exclusion of some social groups and in the field of using financial services - adds Krzysztof Falkowski, vice president of the Poczta Polska Board.
Currently, Bank Pocztowy, with the participation of Ambassador of the brand Adam Małysz, offers clients a "Christmas loan on championship conditions with a commission from 0", i.e. a consolidation loan with additional cash for any purpose.