September 30, 2021, the last day of the Eskrzynka service
Please be advised that, in accordance with the Act of March 2, 2020, on special solutions related to the prevention, counteracting and combating Covid-19, other infectious diseases and crisis caused by them, as amended, as amended, as of September 30, 2021, the deadline for providing a postal service expires using electronic communication at the stage of delivery, the so-called Escrzynki.
On September 30 this year, it will be the last day of delivery to the addressees of correspondence in the form of a scan to escrzynka.
Pursuant to the regulations, the electronic document will be available in Eskrzynka for a period of 60 days after the date of its placement.
After September 30, 2021, support for paper correspondence in the scope of providing a physical parcel after a monthly storage period will be carried out.