Availability of post offices in shopping centers and galleries

Availability of post offices in shopping centers and galleries

1190-670In connection with the ordinance of the Council of Ministers of 19 March 2021 on establishing specific restrictions, orders and prohibitions in connection with the state of epidemic, we would like to inform you that post offices located in the centers and shopping malls have not been covered by restrictions and function as before - excluding points conducting activities in the form of a commercial island.

You can check the working hours of a specific facility here .

At the same time, with the provisions of the Regulation and in the interests of the life and health of clients and employees - Poczta Polska - maintains the following restrictions on the manner of service:

  • 1 person per 10 m2 may stay in post offices;
  • The distance from the other person must be at least 1.5 meters.

Poczta Polska uses additional protective measures in all areas of activity. We have taken a number of actions aimed at reducing the risk of spreading Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus and ensuring maximum safety for employees, clients and business partners.

Learn more here
