We support the fight in Coronavirus by carrying out subsequent logistics orders for RARS

We support the fight in Coronavirus by carrying out subsequent logistics orders for RARS

graphics for JPG press office (6)67 thousand pallets and 36,000 courier shipments with medical equipment and security measures - this is how Poczta Polska has supported the fight against coronavirus, for a year performing logistics services to institutions fighting Pandemia. The company provides, among others Necessary personal protection measures, equipment for medical facilities and pharmacies and supports in the logistics scope the creation of temporary hospitals. Currently, the distribution of masks to the warehouses of voivods, palette shipments with equipment are also delivered to hospitals. 

Post-makers transport pallets with masks and equipment saving patients with Covid-19 from the departments of the Governmental Strategic Reserve Agency for provincial magazines. They are used in the action: "Mask for a citizen". Recently, the post office has carried out such transports to warehouses in four voivodships: Warmian-Masurian, Pomeranian, Masovian and Lubuskie. Pallet shipments with equipment also reach hospitals, including temporary hospitals throughout the country. A pharmaceutical wholesaler is supplied on an ongoing basis, which prepares packages for vaccination points.

- Logistic challenges, which we face on a daily basis, require the efficient organization of the supply chain and reliable partners who, together with the government agency of strategic reserves, will cope with these challenges. Undoubtedly, such a partner is Poczta Polska, with which we cooperate on many levels and we constantly deepen this cooperation. I am glad that the agreement concluded a few months ago allows us to develop the scope of cooperation, thanks to which we effectively carry out the tasks entrusted to us in the fight against Pandemia. We currently cooperate not only in the area of ​​distribution of personal protective equipment and medical equipment, but also the organization of material facilities, necessary to maintain a sensitive chain of Covid-19 vaccines -Michał Kuczmierowski, president of the Governmental Strategic Reserve Agency.

Until now, as part of cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the Government Strategic Reserve Agency (earlier: Material Reserve Agency), Poczta Polska has served over 67,000 palette shipments with medical equipment and personal protective equipment. Only this year the company served 1290 orders for a total amount of almost 11,000 pallet shipments. Transported materials with their height (setting the palette on the palette) correspond to over five hundred palaces of culture and science, and with their length (setting the palette next to the palette) - the route from Krakow to Katowice.

- Plice is the largest infrastructure and logistics company in the country, during the epidemic we are a partner for government institutions fighting the threat of coronavirus. We operate continuously by providing postal, logistics and financial services for citizens, companies and institutions, we provide efficient and professional service of even the most demanding and non -standard orders that we carry out for RARS and the Ministry of Health - says Tomasz Zdzikot, president of the board of Poczta Polska.

The Polish Post Office from the beginning of the SARS-COV-19 virus has been supported by the Ministry of Health in the implementation of the distribution of protection measures. The company carries out a number of tasks, including in the field of storage, packaging, pallet transport and parcel services. He performs deliveries to: hospitals (including temporary hospitals), warehouses of voivods, POZ, social welfare and blood donation houses, fire brigades, police or Polish army and pharmacies. Poczta Polska also provided disinfectants for schools and kindergartens.

- Poczta Polska uses its logistics infrastructure and experience in servicing various shipments, both standard packages and pallet shipments. Services for the Government Strategic Reserve Agency are an important task for us, showing that even during Pandemia we can comprehensively serve clients who require non -standard services - says Andrzej Bodziony, vice president of the board of Poczta Polska.

The Polish Poczta Polska began the implementation of the first orders as part of the fight against Covid in mid -March 2020. Initially, the company provided only disinfectant fluids to: PSSE, POZ, Hospitals, NFZ, Police, Border Guard, pharmacies, MOW, MOS RSKiK. Within about 2 weeks, over 40,000 bottles (5L) with disinfectant fluids were delivered. Due to the constantly growing number of orders and a change in the specifics of orders from the Ministry of Health, it was decided to create warehouses dedicated to this undertaking in Łódź and Grodzisk Mazowiecki as part of their own infrastructure. Since the creation of magazines, tasks related to the packaging and distribution of protective packages have begun, which included: disinfectant fluids, masks, gloves, hosts, overalls, goggles. To date, over 50,000 orders and about one thousand pallets have been delivered.

From the beginning of Pandemia, Poczta Polska has completed over 8,000 transport orders for the Ministry of Health. The transport took place 24 -hour, also on weekends. In addition, as part of the DOM project, over 500,000 pulsoximeters have already been delivered to patients who did not require hospitalization.  
