On October 5, the e-mail service begins. What should you know about her?

On October 5, the e-mail service begins. What should you know about her?

image002On June 22, 2021, President Andrzej Duda signed an amendment to the Act on electronic delivery, according to which Poczta Polska on October 5 this year. will launch a registered service for electronic correspondence between state administration units and a citizen. The implementation of e-mails will take place in stages. Government administration and institutions such as ZUS, KRUS and the NFZ will start using this form of communication from July 5, 2022. Local government units will join e-mails a little later-the deadline provided for by the Act is on January 1, 2024.

What is the e-mail in short?

E-arrival is a convenient and voluntary service in the state-citizen communication, enabling citizens to receive electronic correspondence from state administration bodies. This means that instead of a traditional paper official letter, the letter will be sent in electronic form to an individual electronic service box, which will be cared for by Poczta Polska as a designated digital operator. This solution is more favorable from the citizen's point of view. The e-mail is incomparably faster than a conventional letter service. You can read the correspondence sent in this way at any time and place, without having to leave the house. On the service, the environment also gains, thanks to the savings of paper and other raw materials used during the logistics of shipments.

Persons who for various reasons do not decide on an electronic service, the post office will provide a hybrid service consisting in printing parcels sent electronically by public entities and delivering them to citizens in traditional form.

In the scope of the project, Poczta Polska is closely cooperating with: the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Development, Labor and Technology, and the Central Computer Science Center and the Podlasie Voivodship Office.

Features of electronic delivery

The e-mail is not a service we know from e-mail, it is a mistake to describe it as an ordinary e-mail. The differences are huge and result from regulating e-mails. Trust services (electronic services) are based on the requirements of Regulation of the European Parliament
and of the Council No. 910/2014 of July 23, 2014. on electronic identification and trust services in relation to electronic transactions on the internal market, the so -called Eidas, which defines the legal framework for, among others registered electronic service services. Trust services are also subject to restrictive technical standards of the European Institute of Telecommunications Norms ETSI, regulating the safety of their benefit.

Thanks to the fulfillment of the conditions set out in external regulations, the registered electronic service service guarantees primarily:

  • the integrity of the parcel, i.e. maintaining its confidentiality from sending to reception and its immutability, i.e. guarantees the reception of unchanged and intact content of the parcel, which came from the sender (encrypted messages),
  • identification of the sender and recipient - an unambiguous indication of the identity of the participants of the process,
  • Marking sometimes using a qualified trust service - confirmation of the exact time of each event in the process,
  • Evidence of events - incl. confirmation of who and when he received the parcel, which may be possible evidence in the proceedings, e.g. court proceedings,
  • The implementation of the service by the so -called trusted third page, i.e. a designated operator, which in the process of providing an electronic parcel has no access to its content,
  • Verification of compliance with the standards and requirements of the EIDAS regulation through an independent external auditor.

E-arranges will be generated by evidence of sending and receiving messages, as in the case of a traditional registered letter. This evidence will be available and stored by the operator appointed for a period of 36 months, even if the citizen is removed from a dedicated individual box.

What is the difference between e-mail and an email inbox?


The most important element distinguishing the e-mail service from an ordinary e-mail is the inability to use the identity of another user, thanks to the unambiguous verification of the identity of the process participants. Now, when we receive a message from the address unknown to us, we are not sure if it has actually been sent by a person or institution who signs on it. Cybercriminals use this, impersonating well -known companies, including under the Polish Post Office. Often, the purpose of such emails is to extort data that can be used to take over bank accounts and funds collected on them. Messages received and sent via the address for electronic service are protected against the possibility of reading and inaccessible to people or so -called Robots from the outside, as is the case with private e -mail. In addition, commercial suppliers of e-mail boxes, based on the provisions contained in the regulations, can based on messages, for example, profile ads.

The key issue from the point of view of the security of correspondence is the fact that in the case of e-mails, it is required to set up an address for electronic service (ADE) for correspondence by the minister competent for computerization based on an application confirmed by an electronic identification means, which is, for example, a trusted profile. The address of electronic delivery is entered in the electronic address database, which also prevents you from "impersonating" another person.

The post office "does not read" letters. The process of printing and enveloping correspondence is automated

The aforementioned hybrid service enables the conversion of electronic correspondence into a paper, traditionally supplied by a postman. The printout of digital shipments is automatically carried out, just like placing them in envelopes before sending. Specialized devices at the Polish Post Office are located in the center of the printout, i.e. a separate zone with limited access.

It should be emphasized that people who for various reasons do not decide to set up an e-mailbox will receive correspondence according to the current rules.

Poczta Polska meets safety requirements and provides conditions for compliance with postal secrets

Poczta Polska, as part of the external verification, meets security requirements in the field of printout, packaging, scanning and processing of documents (information security management system in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001), as well as conditions related to, among others The ability to perform tasks for the security of state and public order, the availability of services to all citizens regardless of their geographical location and allows equal access through the provision of services throughout the country. In addition, Poczta Polska provides the Postal Law Conditions specified in the Act to comply with postal secrecy, in accordance with art. 41 of the Act. Postal secret covers the information provided in shipments, information on implemented postal messages, data on entities using postal services, and data on the fact and circumstances of the provision of postal services or the use of these services. According to the above By the Act, Poczta Polska provides technical and organizational conditions for the provision of postal services necessary to maintain the security of postal trading. Both the infrastructure and the staff potential of Poczta Polska is a guarantee of the support of the digital transformation of the state and society, as was the case in other EU countries, including Denmark, the Czech Republic, France, Estonia, where the designated operators provide electronic service services.

The price of the e-citizen service for the citizen

For all citizens, e-mails service is to be free. The regulations provide for fees from public institutions participating in the system. As with any activity, fees should, among others cover the cost of maintenance and operation of the system and the provision of services.

e-deals in other EU countries

National posts are the natural partners of the state in implementing digital correspondence. This solution is supported not only by experience, but also postal infrastructure, correspondence safety and confidentiality.

In the Belgian operator, the price list of the national service service with a national range is at the level of 0.97 to 2.54 euros for one parcel in the case of distribution to individuals and from 0.80 to 2.10 euros for one parcel directed to legal persons. In the case of the French operator of the national service, they are carried out for a fee of approx. 3 euros, while the Spanish operator charges a fee of EUR 2.49 for the distribution of electronic delivery.

According to current regulations, the e-mailing service will be implemented by Poczta Polska from October 5, 2021 to 2025, i.e. for 4 years. For the next period, i.e. 2026-2035, a competition will be announced by the President of UKE.
