Philatelic subscription - a unique gift for collectors

Philatelic subscription - a unique gift for collectors

Poczta Polska has a unique product in its offer. This is a philatelic subscription, which among many collecting methods is the easiest and most available form of collecting, among others postage stamps. The service allows you to receive regular supplies of philatelic values ​​introduced into circulation during the calendar year. Buying a subscription is an original idea to give not only experienced philatelists, but also people who take their first steps in a returning trend.

As part of the philatelic subscription, the Employer is sure to receive a set of values ​​such as postage stamps (excluding special editions), postcards and envelopes with a printed post fee sign, envelopes of the first day of circulation (so -called FDC envelopes) and occasional dates prints.

The issue plan for 2024 includes, among others Unique continuation of the series, including "Birds of Polish parks", "Polish transatlantics", "Poland see more" or the "star of Polish music" that is very popular. It also included publishers dedicated to historical events, i.e. "230. Anniversary of the Kościuszko Insurrection "and" 80. Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. " The publishing plans also include collector's preferences of philatelists, which include editions enriching collections, e.g. Nowodruki or Czarnrukuki.

How to order a subscription?

Ordering a philatelic subscription in Poczta Polska is extremely simple. Just go to a post office or place an order through a philatelic online store Poczta Polska: .

Subscription orders can also be placed by e-mail to the following address: (domestic customers), (foreign customers) or by mail order to the address: The FilateListic Sales Department, ul. W. Moritz 2, 20–900 Lublin.

Orders for a philatelic subscription are accepted:

  • for an annual or six -month period
  • For the whole year they are accepted from January 2 to June 30 of a given year.

Placing an order from July 1 guarantees a gathering of values ​​issued in the second half of the year, the qualities of the first half of the year are available in this variant as the reserves possessed.

The subject of the order can also be stamps containing from 5 to 16 stamps. The sale is a limited pool of sheets. An order for this type of subscription can be placed from January 2 of a given year in the abovementioned points excluding the post office.  

The ordered philatelic subscription can be picked up at a post office where an order was placed or sent to a correspondence address.

The rules for ordering a subscription in the online store have been set out in the online store .

Your stamp design in the philatelic offer? It's possible!

Anyone can report an idea about the stamp, only it should be done in advance. Then Poczta Polska considers and recommends to the minister competent for communications proposals for the issue of the issue for a given year. The topic on the stamp must meet certain criteria.

In the selection of topics, in accordance with the assumptions of the emission policy, Poczta Polska tries to take into account cultural, social, historical, religious, sporting, jubilee, as well as bring the characters outstanding for our country closer, which is why its annual publishing plan is diverse and interesting for every recipient.

We encourage you to follow our publishing plans:
