RTV subscription: Discounts and exemptions worth knowing about

Everyone who uses a television or radio receiver is obliged to register it and pay subscription fees. The rule applies to everyone, except for people exempt from this obligation. It is worth remembering that paying the RTV subscription for the whole year from the top of January 25 this year. It is rewarded with a 10%discount.  

The most financially solution is to pay for the subscription in advance for the whole year 2023, but you can also use other discounts for paying fees for a period longer than 1 month. Information on the amount of subscription fees determined by the National Broadcasting Council, the calculator, as well as other information on subscription and discounts, are available at: rtv.poczta-polska.pl.

In accordance with applicable legal regulations, Poczta Polska is obliged to register radio and television receivers, accept and record subscription fees and check their payment. Formalities related to the registration of receivers can be made conveniently via a website or visiting a post office.

Who does not have to pay the subscription?

The legal provisions in force in Poland strictly determine who is entitled to exemption from paying subscription fees. The list includes People who have been decided and a group of disability, total inability to work, a significant degree of disability, permanent or periodic total inability to work on a farm, persons who receive a care benefit, a special care allowance or social pension, deaf and blind people in fulfilling specific criteria, persons who have completed 60 years old and have the right to retire and have the right to retire, meeting the income criteria specified in the Family Benefits Act, persons who have the right to use cash benefits under the Social Assistance Act, unemployed persons, persons who have the right to benefit and pre -retirement benefit, receiving a guardian's allowance. On the basis of separate laws, there are also: war and military invalids, veterans who are war or military invalids, family members of the indicated veterans, persons with the status of veteran injured under the Act on veterans acting outside the state.

A detailed list of people who have the right to exempt from subscription fees can be found on the mail website.

Seniors who are 75 years old and registered a radio or television receiver are exempt from paying subscription fees. Importantly, these persons are not obliged to report in post offices the rights to exempt from fees, as by law they are exempt from paying them.

Other persons who have the right to exempt from fees should report rights at the selected post office. This applies only to those who have not used this possibility so far.

What documents should be shown in a post office to obtain an exemption from the obligation to pay subscription fees?

In accordance with applicable legal regulations, persons who have the right to exempt from subscription fees should report to the selected post office and provide relevant documents confirming the right to exemption.

In the case of disabled people, it is necessary to decide the competent authority. If this applies to visually impaired, it will be necessary to present the ID card of the Polish Association of the Blind or Association of Blind Soldiers of the Republic of Poland, or the ruling of the competent authority of the adjudication of the moderate disability for the damage to the eye of the organ, or the decision of the competent adjudicating body, confirming the damage to the vision (visual acuity not exceeding 15%) or a certificate issued by health, confirming the above parameters.

War and military invalids are also exempt from subscription fees . To obtain an exemption from fees, a book of a war or military invalid issued by a pension body. In the case of veterans who are war or military invalids, this is the ID card of the repressed person.

pensioners should show an ID card confirming the age of 60 and the decision of the pension authority on the amount of the pension in a given year. It can be a pension episode or a decision to confirm or index the pension. On the other hand, people in pre -retirement age should have a decision of ZUS to grant pre -retirement benefit or a certificate of receiving a pre -retirement benefit.

Persons with the status of the unemployed may also benefit from the permissions from subscription fees . In this case, it is enough to present a certificate from the Labor Office on having an unemployed status in a post office.

A full list of documents entitling to obtain an exemption from subscription fees can be found here .

The exemption from the fees is granted from the first day of the month following the month in which a document confirming the right to exemption was presented in the post office.

It is also worth taking care of completing the formalities related to the update of personal and address data, a change in the number of used RTV receivers or their deregistration, as well as a change in the place of use of the receiver. This can also be done at the above internet address or at any post office. 

Help of helpline

In case of any doubts or questions on the RTV subscription, you can call the Polish Post Hutting (43) 842 06 06 (fee according to the operator's price list). The hotline is open from Monday to Friday from 8: 00–20: 00.
