Automatic sorters will strengthen the logistics network of Poczta Polska. The procedure for the purchase of three modern machines is starting
Poczta Polska begins one of the most important investments in recent years. The procedure for the purchase of 3 modern, fully automated sorting machines has just been launched. The machines will allow for effective sorting of the growing power volume. As part of the implementation of the new strategy, Poczta Polska plans to allocate as much as PLN 1.2 billion for investments in the field of automation, digitization and extension of the architecture of its logistics network.
Modern sorters will be used to develop KEP (courier, express and parcel) shipments in sorting plants in Wrocław, Lisim Ogwie (near Bydgoszcz) and Lublin. Automation of Poczta Polska is one of the key activities, planned and included in the company's strategy for 2021–2023. In order to optimize logistics processes and develop services on the KEP market, as well as adapt processes to the growing expectations of customers, the company invests in a modern machine park.
- Poczta Polska is developing its logistics architecture. The company has just started implementing strategic changes, which have been planned in the post office for several years, and now they require effective implementation - says Tomasz Zdzikot, president of the Poczta Polska board and adds - the courier market is changing. This is one of the three, in addition to logistics and digitization, the main strategic areas in which we want to develop further intensively and which, according to the adopted strategy until 2023, are a priority for us closely related to new investments. From the beginning of Pandemic, e-commerce development has accelerated on an end and the post office also accelerates its investments, according to our slogan that: "the world is changing and the post office with it." The purchase of new sorting machines will allow for more effective operation of growing volumes of courier shipments. Our goal is modern and effective post office, which meets the expectations of its clients.
New, fully automated machines for developing KEP shipments, selected as part of the purchasing procedure, will power the logistics network of Poczta Polska. The performance of new sorters is planned at the level of 8 to 11 thousand. shipments per hour.
Poczta Polska plans that the first sorting machine will be put into use in 2022 in Wrocław - which supports incoming and outgoing shipments within the area of Lower Silesia. The sorter is to have 190 so -called Spring for parcels that are precisely separated to the level of sending points and delivery regions.
In 2023, subsequent new sorters will start working in a sorting plant in the Lisim Tail near Bydgoszcz (responsible for servicing the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship) and the Sorting Room in Lublin (developing shipments from the eastern part of the country, as well as parcels transported by rail from China to Poland). The sorter in the fox tail will separate shipments thanks to 159 slides. In turn, the machine scheduled for the Logistics Center in Lublin will have as many as 178 slides.
The above sorters will be one of the most modern on the market. They will also constitute a support element for other areas (regions).
- We strive to make Poczta Poczta even more modern, both in terms of operational processes and procedures, as well as the infrastructure and machine park. Thanks to investments that automate work, and in particular supporting logistics processes, we will increase the volume of shipments developed automatically, guaranteeing clients the quality in terms of timeliness, which they currently expect - says Andrzej Bodziony, vice president of the Poczta Poczta Board.
New investments will also translate into ergonomics and improvement of work organization within individual sorting plants by changing the method of implementing the process of distribution of shipments from currently carried out by employees to machine. Another action of Poczta Polska, as part of the automation of logistics processes, will be the purchase of a sorter for the new WER Warsaw 2 sorting plant, which the company plans to launch as part of the strategic design of the logistics network automation.
Investments of Poczta Polska are, among others The response to the systematically developing e-commerce sector, which significantly increased its share in the entire purchasing market, implemented by both large and smaller entities.
Later this year, the company intends to allocate PLN 400 million for investments, including in parcel machines, digitization, logistics and process automation.