We put the safety of customers and employees in the first place
Employee security is one of the priorities of Poczta Polska. Supplying employees with personal protection measures is a permanent operation of the company implemented from the beginning of the epidemic in Poland. The post office in a responsible and transparent manner takes all actions related to counteracting the spread of coronavirus, for the sake of clients and employees.
All employees of Poczta Polska receive disposable gloves, protective masks and antibacterial agents on an ongoing basis. In addition, those who, as part of servicing the presidential election, spread packages to people staying on quarantine, were equipped with FFP2 masks, fingerboard, aprons and disinfectants. From March this year, i.e. from the first detection of the case of Covid-19 in Poland, a special team operates in the company, in which representatives of all key divisions of Poczta Polska and representatives of trade unions sit. His task is to monitor the situation and analyze any case of coronavirus infection.
Until now, Poczta Polska has purchased nearly 714 thousand for its employees. pieces of gels for disinfecting hands with a capacity of 30 ml, 100 ml and 250 million; over 60 thousand Piks of liquids for disinfecting hands and surfaces in packages with larger capacities. In addition, the company's employees got nearly 10 million pairs of disposable gloves, 940 thousand. Multiple use masks with the possibility of washing, 590 thousand pieces of disposable masks and over 81 thousand plastic plastic pieces.
In addition to the purchase of personal protective equipment, Poczta Polska installed over 5.6 thousand in its facilities. Apens that are an additional protection. Daily temperature measurement has been introduced in the sorting plants and wherever a lot of people work. As part of preventive measures, over 220 disinfection in all sorting plants was also carried out, and subsequent disinfection will take place on a regular basis.