Nearly 200 refugees from Ukraine received shelter in postal centers in Szklarska Poręba and Ustroń
In the post-election training centers "Mauritius" in Szklarska Poręba and "Dąb" in Ustroń, previously reported by the company to voivods, as a place of possible quarter, the first groups of refugees from Ukraine have already appeared. New guests of facilities, among which women with children and the elderly dominate, were accommodated in rooms with bathrooms. Escaping from the war turmoil, who went to the centers of Poczta Polska, they are provided with food and psychological care, as well as access to the necessary everyday objects.
Refugees came to Poland from various sides of the attacked country. Before Russian aggression, there was inhabited so far cities, towns and villages of Zhytomyr, Odessa, Dnieper and Kiev.
Refugees found a safe asylum at the postal center in Szklarska Poręba.
The service of a large group of nearly a hundred, which from the reception point in Wrocław was directed to the postal center, requires a lot of attention from the post office. The more that many guests have gone through an extremely hard, even dramatic path to find themselves in a safe shelter away from hostilities.
Postalists are in constant contact with the Crisis Management Team of the City Hall in Szklarska Poręba and with fire brigades who showed great support when accommodating the needy. There are also volunteers on the spot who helped, among others, when spending meals. Refuge and the necessary hygiene measures were made available to refugees. In addition, local residents provide refugees with clothes or toys for children.
- Polish Post Office from the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has actively joined in all aid activities. We put the logistics and infrastructure resources at our disposal of state structures, including our accommodation base. We make sure that accommodation in postal centers does not mean only accommodation and meals, but also associated with a wide range of support forms for people whose whole life has changed when their country has become the object of Russian aggression - says Tomasz Zdzikot, president of Poczta Polska.
Postcards also plan to support professional activation or organize time and acclimatize refugees who went to "Mauritius". For this purpose, talks are held, including with local local government officials or the authorities of the Municipal Cultural Center.
Refugees are also hosting at the "Dąb" center in Ustroń.
In the second week of March, refugees also filled the Postal Center "Dąb", located in Ustroń. Safe shelter, away from the war conflagration, has currently found 95 Ukrainian citizens.
It is worth recalling that Poczta Polska gave the relevant state structures to the disposal, coordinating aid campaign for refugees, over 200 beds. This pool may increase, but some of the leisure quarters are adapted to live only in the summer, e.g. in summer houses. Their launch will largely depend on weather conditions. For the accommodation of refugees, post office may also allocate accommodation bases Okuninka and Krasnystaw, located in the Lubelskie Voivodeship. The company also does not forget about Ukrainian citizens who are associated with it. The Polish Post has made available to the families of its Ukrainian employees over 100 beds located throughout the country.