Częstochowa icon on the postage stamp
The image of the Blessed Virgin Mary Queen of Poland, in her Jasna Góra image, was on the Polish Post Office stamp, closing the series of stamps "Patrons of Poland". The issue will be solemnly put into circulation at Jasna Góra on May 3 this year.
This year's stamp, by Bożydar Grozdeva, was kept in a convention that was proper for the entire series, initiated in 2018 with the image of Saint. Stanisław Kostka. The value presents the Jasna Góra Miraculous Picture of Mary in a diamond-diamond dress from the 17th century in the crowns, which is a gift of Pope John Paul II from 2005. On the FDC envelope there was a view of the Pauline monastery in Jasna Góra from the 19th century. According to the engraving of Maksymilian Cerch, and in the date the image of Our Lady of Jasna Góra with a replica of the crown offered by Pope Clement XI in 1717.
As part of the series presenting all main patrons of Poland, stamps with Saint Stanisław Kostka (2018), Saint Wojciech (2019), Saint Andrzej Bobola (2020) and Saint Stanisław from Szczepanów, Bishop and Martyr (2021) appeared.
The former tradition associated the creation of the image of Our Lady of Jasna Góra from St. Łukasz, however, the latest studies showed that the image was made in the second half. 13th century in the Balkans. He was painted tempera on linden boards covered with canvas and primed. It measures 121.8 cm high and 81.3 cm wide. The image depicts Mary with the Child Jesus in her arms and was created in the type of Hodegetria (Greek indicating the road). In 1384, the painting was brought from Hungary to Poland by Saint. Jadwiga Andegaweńska and handed over to Pauline to Jasna Góra. After the robbery at the sanctuary in 1430 in the picture - on the cheek and neck of the Mother of God - the characteristic features remained. From the 17th century, the painting has been decorated with crowns on the temples of Mary and the Child and decorated with votive dresses from expensive precills made in Jasna Góra as votivery. After the wonderful defense of the monastery in 1655 and the Lviv weddings of King Jan Kazimierz the following year, the Jasna Góra image became the idea of Mary Queen of Poland. In 1717, the painting was solemnly crowned with the papal crowns Clement XI.
About the stamp:
Project author: Bożydar Grozdew
Number of stamps: 1
Sales sheet: 9 stamps
Value: 8 PLN
Circulation: 117,000
Print technique: Offset
format stamp: 43 x 31.25 mm
Paper: Fluorescent
date of introduction in circulation: 3 May 2022.
Second publishing form: 1 stamp with tag
value: 8 PLN
Print technique: Offset
format of the stamp: 43 x 31.25 mm
Format tag: 43 x 31.25 mm
Paper: Fluorescent