We serve the parcels in a safe way - new shipping procedures

We serve the parcels in a safe way - new shipping procedures

Graphic Design (3)In connection with the state of epidemic threat, the Ministry of Health and the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate recommends staying at home. It should be minimized to limit contact with others and go out only in urgent situations. Poczta Polska will safely deliver the parcel to the address indicated.

The company has implemented procedures to ensure the security of customers and employees when delivering shipments straight to the door.

In addition to the traditional form of delivery, all registered, parcel and courier lettering shipments (subject to shipments with feedback) can be picked up without receipt. In this case, you only need to show a Polish post employee from a safe distance of an identity document, e.g. ID card, passport, driving license. An employee of Poczta Polska will write the last 4 digits of the document verified number.

For parcels and courier, if the sender provided the customer's phone number, the customer receives a contact number to the courier before delivery. You can get information about the forecasted delivery time from the courier or the shipping mode is directly agreed.

In the case of collection parcels, we recommend a non -cash payment, e.g. by payment card

Poczta Polska fills all recommendations and instructions of the Ministry of Health and GIS regarding prevention minimizing the risk of SARS-COV-2 coronavirus infection, and in the event of new recommendations and guidelines recommended by GIS or individual sanitary inspections, they are implemented without undue delay. Detailed information is available on the company's websites: www.poczta-polska.pl ; www.pocztex.pl or on social media www.facebook.com/pocztapolska .

We remind you that modifications were introduced during the working hours of postal facilities. Current information is available at: http://placowki.poczta-polska.pl/ .

If you have additional questions, please contact us by phone or e-mail with our consultants:

801 333 444 from landline phones (fee according to the operator's price list)

(+48) 438 420 600 from mobile phones and from domestic and foreign stationary phones (fee according to the operator price list)

e-mail: kontakt@poczta-polska.pl

The hotline is open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 - 20:00.
