E-arranges: quickly, conveniently and safely send electronic correspondence with Poczta Polska

E-arranges: quickly, conveniently and safely send electronic correspondence with Poczta Polska

The revolution on the electronic services market has been visible for a long time. Electronic replacements for traditional services are cyclically introduced, which are gradually gaining popularity . Some of these services are so -called Trust services that are provided based on the EIDAS regulation and the ETSI standards, thanks to which they are an innovative and safe solution, e.g. an electronic signature. Trust services also include recorded electronic service provided by Poczta Polska.

For years, e-mails have been successfully provided by European countries as Italy, Belgium, France and the Czech Republic. The choice of national mail, which act as operators appointed to provide this service, is fully justified and was often dictated by the expectation of society. This is followed by the experience of operators, postal infrastructure, correspondence security and confidentiality. The proven solution of many European Union countries has been noticed in the potential, which has the Polish Post as a designated operator. The company implements its main strategic goal focusing on investments in the digitization of traditional services.

e-mails of Poczta Polska guarantee the confidentiality of correspondence and its protection against damage or theft

The development of this service leads to a gradual cessation of sending paper registered letters between administration and citizens/companies. Thanks to e-demonstrations, citizens and companies can send and receive electronic documents from any place with internet access. Instead of personal visits to the post office, physical receiving and sending of registered letters and archiving paper correspondence, today you can comfortably do it in electronic form.

E-arranges are access to all matters in one place. Thanks to the unique addresses for electronic service (ADE), granted at the request by the minister competent for computerization, we are sure that we are corresponding to the appropriate addressee. In addition, e-mails allow you to verify the statuses of their correspondence through evidence issued in real time, at every stage of the process (such as the date of posting and delivery confirmed by a qualified time marker).

Poczta Polska introduced an additional service for e-mails enabling communication between natural persons and companies 

Q-dreamers are a qualified service of registered electronic delivery, in which, like e-arranges, is a trust service. They enable electronic correspondence identical to the registered letter, guarantee exact time of posting and receiving thanks to the qualified time tag and ensure verification of the recipient's identity by authenticating the electronic identification agent, i.e. a trusted profile, e-proof or via the mobstor application.

Poczta Polska, as a supplier of a qualified service of registered electronic delivery Q-dermation, is entered in the register of trust service providers (qualified services), has received a certificate of trust service provider in the scope of providing a qualified registered electronic delivery service.

The obligation to implement the e-dermal service

May 29 this year. The Minister of Digitization issued a message in which he set on December 10, 2023 by the deadline for implementing technical solutions necessary to deliver correspondence using the public service of registered electronic service or public hybrid service and providing access to the access point of access to the services of the registered electronic service in cross -border traffic (Journal of Laws, item 1077).

The above deadline applies to the obligation to use public services of such entities as:

  • government administration bodies and budgetary units serving these bodies,
  • public authorities other than the abovementioned, including state control and law protection bodies, and budgetary units serving these bodies,
  • The Social Insurance Institution and the Funds he manages as well as the Fund of the Agricultural Social Insurance and Funds managed by the President of the Agricultural Insurance Fund,
  • National Health Fund,
  • Executive agencies, budget management institutions, state targeted funds, independent public healthcare facilities, public universities, Polish Academy of Sciences and its organizational, state and local government cultural institutions, other state or local government legal entities created on the basis of separate laws for public tasks,
  • A lawyer performing a profession,
  • legal advisor practicing the profession,
  • tax advisor practicing a profession,
  • restructuring advisor practicing a profession,
  • patent spokesman practicing the profession,
  • notary public, the profession,
  • Counselor of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Poland performing official activities,
  • non -public entity entered in the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register,
  • local government units and their relationships as well as metropolitan associations as well as local government budgetary establishments.