Correspondence voting in this year's parliamentary elections - rules and dates

Correspondence voting in this year's parliamentary elections - rules and dates

Similarly to previous years, also this year, voters who meet certain conditions can vote correspondence in parliamentary elections. Poczta Polska is involved in the process - a parcel with the election package will be provided by a postman and a return envelope with a filled voting card, you can, among others Transfer to a postman or leave in a post office. 

According to the Electoral Code, voters who::

  • have a certificate of significant or moderate disability, 
  • On the day of voting, they are subject to mandatory quarantine, insulation or insulation at home,
  • at the latest on the day of voting they are 60 years old,

A person who reports a desire to vote at a distance must have active voting right, Polish citizenship and at least 18 years on election day. He must also vote in the territory of the Republic of Poland. 

The condition for using the possibility of using correspondence is to submit an appropriate application, at the latest by October 2. The exception are voters who are subject to mandatory quarantine, isolation or isolation at home, started after 5 days before the election day. They can report such persons the desire to vote by correspondence until 2 days before the election day (until October 13).

The desire to vote for correspondence can be reported in a recorded writing in the form of: paper - a hand -made signature or electronic - a qualified electronic signature, trusted signature or personal signature, using an electronic service made available on the website, after authentication of this person; By phone - in the case of a disabled voter and voter subject to the day of voting compulsory quarantine, isolation or isolation at home. Information that the voter wants to vote correspondence should be reported to the electoral commissioner.  

The correct notification should include: surname and first name (names) of the voter, the civil number PESEL of the voter, the address to which the election package will be sent and telephone number or e-mail address for contact. In the case of people with disabilities, a copy of the current disability certificate is also required. The application can also be entered to make the packet delivered in the voter to contain voting card covers prepared in Braille's alphabet. 

The election package, which will go to the voter, will consist of: returnable envelope, cards or voting cards, voting envelopes, correspondence voting instructions, overlays or card overlays or voting cards in Braille's alphabet, if the voter reported a desire to receive them, a personal and secret vote of a vote on the vote. The voter will receive it no later than 6 days before the election day. The exception are people subject to mandatory quarantine, insulation or isolation at home, to which this package goes no later than 2 days before the election day. Packages are sent via Poczta Polska. The postman deliver them to his own hands and after presenting the document confirming the identity of the voter. Receiving the package requires a written receipt.

After voting, the voting card and the statement should be placed in an envelope with the inscription "envelope for a voting card". The sealed envelope should be inserted into the return envelope addressed to the regional electoral commission. When the envelope with the voting card is not stuck, the voting card will not be taken into account when determining the results of the election.

The voter's return envelope may transfer to a representative of Poczta Polska, e.g. a postman, leave in the Polish Post Office located in the commune where the voter is included in the Central Register of Voters in a permanent voting circuit, in any Poczta Polska Poczta. He can also personally deliver it to the precinct electoral commission, in the voting circuit in which it is entered in the list of voters (does not apply to voters subject to mandatory quarantine, isolation or isolation at home on the day of voting).
