A treat for collectors. Nicolaus Copernicus on the new stamps of Poczta Polska

A treat for collectors. Nicolaus Copernicus on the new stamps of Poczta Polska

On January 25 this year, in the secretary's office of the Polish Episcopal Conference, Poczta Polska presented philatelic plans related to the celebration of the year of the Jubilee of Mikołaj Kopernik.

President of Poczta Polska Krzysztof Falkowski and Wiesław Włodek, vice president responsible for the philatelic activities of the company, presented the new emission stamp "550. Anniversary of the birth of Mikołaj Kopernik ”, which will enter circulation on January 29 this year. The portrait of the astronomer, located in the epitaph in the archcathedral basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint. Andrzej in Frombork.

- Mikołaj Kopernik is one of the most famous Poles in the world. His discoveries can easily be called breakthrough for humanity. It should not be surprising, therefore, that Poczta Polska, which commemorates important characters or events, did not forget about the equal anniversary of the birth of our outstanding astronomer and canon. We will devote to Mikołaj Copernicus as many as three unique emissions - two stamp and envelope on the first day of circulation. I am convinced that our publishers will contribute to the popularization of knowledge about our outstanding astronomy and clergy, which hardly anyone remembers - emphasizes Krzysztof Falkowski, president of Poczta Polska.

The portrait of Nicolaus Copernicus was painted with an oil technique on a copper plate and is modeled on his images from the works of Mikołaj Reussner and Jakub Boissard. The image depicting the Polish astronomer has great artistic value. He is the only preserved image of Nicolaus Copernicus located in Frombork, where he created his works for 31 years. The city was also the last place of residence of the astronomer from death.

During the ceremony, a cooperation agreement was also signed between the Museum of the History Monument "Frombork - Cathedral Team" and Poczta Polska. The purpose of cooperation is to promote knowledge about the person and achievements of Nicolaus Copernicus.

The conference inaugurating the year of the jubilee of Nicolaus Copernicus was attended by the organization of the celebrations: Andrzej B. Piotrowicz, President of the Board of the Pomeranian Association of Wspólna Europe, Br. Zdzisław Duma, father dr. Tomasz Garwoliński and priest Monsignor can. dr. Jacek Wojtkowski.

It is worth recalling that in 2022 Poczta Polska broadcast the philatelic thalers "Copernicus" with the image of the astronomer, created in NFT technology. These are convertible, disposable cryptocurrency tokens that act as a gift coupon. They can be replaced with the digital version of the "Poland in space" emission cryptor, which will be put on sale in February. The first in Poland and one of the first in the world, cryptors of Poczta Polska, will be available at nft.poczta-polska.pl.

About the stamp:

Project author: Poczta Polska
Number of stamps: 1
Value: 3.90 PLN
Edition: 128,000 Pcs.
Print technique: offset
format stamp: 45 x 45 mm, including a wheel with a diameter of 40 mm
Paper: fluorescent
sales sheet: 8 stamps
Date of introduction into circulation: January 29, 2023.
