"Stars of Polish music" - Zbigniew Wodecki on the postage stamp
Poczta Polska introduced a second emission stamp of "Stars of Polish Music". This time it presents the image of a dead artist, one of the most popular Polish singers - Zbigniew Wodecki. The stamp will be put into circulation on May 6 this year, on the 72nd birthday of the artist and the musical favorite of many generations, who died in 2017.
The stamp presents the figure of Zbigniew Wodecki with the violin - one of the three instruments he played - and the artist's autograph. The photo comes from the period of its greatest popularity and recognition.
- Our latest emission stamp "Stars of Polish Music", dedicated to Zbigniew Wodecki's character and talent, is a continuation of the series initiated last year, which gained great recognition in the eyes of our clients. And this time the hero of the stamp is a well -known and very popular musician and singer. Who does not know "Mai bee" in Poland, "Start with Bach", "Isolde" or even "Chałup"? I hope that our stamp will contribute to the enlargement of Zbigniew Wodecki's talent and so many lovers of talent - says Wiesław Włodek, vice president of Poczta Polska.
The broadcast was created in close cooperation with the daughter of Zbigniew Wodecki, Katarzyna Wodecka-Stubbs, who runs the Foundation Zbigniew Wodecki.
- We are extremely pleased when the work and the person of dad is in such a nice and at the same time a nationwide way appreciated. Zbigniew Wodecki an unusual musician and a wonderful man deserves a stamp among Polish artists, he will always be among us-says Katarzyna Wodecka-Stubbs, president of the Zbigniew Wodecki, daughter of the artist.
Zbigniew Wodecki began his adventure with music at the age of 5. He graduated in school in the violin class of Julius Weber. He played, among others with Ewa Demarczyk, Marek Grechuta, in the bands Black Pearls and Anawa. He was a violinist of the Pritv symphony orchestra and the Krakow Chamber Orchestra. As a singer, he made his debut in the 70s. Winner of many competitions and festivals. Instrumentalist, composer, arranger. He was also the host of the TVN television program "Road to the Stars", "Your Road to the Stars" and one of the jurors in the Polish edition of the "Dancing with the Stars" program. His greatest, unforgettable hits are "Start with Bach", "Isolde", "Chałupy", "throw everything bad", "I want to watch the world with you" and "May bee".
Presentation of the stamp, prepared together with the Foundation Zbigniew Wodecki will take place during the gala "Wodecki solemn" - Wodecki Twist Festival 2022. It is an event that for the fifth time gathers friends and fans of the work of Zbigniew Wodecki from many age groups. This year it takes place stationary - on June 11 at the Ice Congress Center in Krakow, and not via the Internet, as was the case in previous years. Alicja Majewska, Ania Rusowicz, Ralph Kaminski, Krzysztof Zalewski, Andrzej Lampert, Joanna Kulig, Maciej Musiałowski, Natalia Szroeder and Maciej Maleńczuk and Sound'n'grace. During the gala, you can listen to the interesting arrangements of Zbigniew Wodecki, played under the baton and the leadership of the conductor Tomek Szymus. The previous, highly rated editions of the event turned out to be a real musical hit.
About the stamp:
Project author: Agnieszka Sancewicz
Number of stamps: 1
sheet: 12 stamps
Value: 4.50 PLN
Circulation: 168,000 Pcs.
Printing technique: Offset + UV
Format Stamp: 43 x 31.25 mm
Fluorescent paper Fluorescent
date of introduction into circulation: May 6, 2022.