Already in post offices you will find educational books for the final exams and the eighth grade exam

Already in post offices you will find educational books for the final exams and the eighth grade exam

Until this year's high school final exams and eighth grade exams have already become less than a month. With students in mind, a wide range of books and other educational materials has been introduced into post offices that will help in the effective repetition of the most important issues from the core curriculum.

All high school graduates can take advantage of the offer covering, among others "Matura sheets" in mathematics, Polish and English. The materials are based on the current matura requirements and guidelines of the Central Examination Board. Thanks to them, high school students can not only understand the structure of the exam, but also practice each type of task.

Students of recent primary school classes may be useful from three series: "Eighth grade tutoring", "Eighth grade exam" and "Eighth grade passport". Each of them contains books from all exams: mathematics, Polish and English, which will allow you to repeat messages and practice before the exam.

In post offices, you can also buy a number of other products useful during the last preparations for the exams, including Pens, markers and highlighters. Studies show that manual writing helps to learn and improve memory, and circling the most important information and the use of different colors in notes positively affects remembering.

Poczta Polska also helps to choose a further educational path. On the shelves with the press, in selected postal facilities, you can find educational magazines, ie "Cogito" (for young people) and "Victor" (for 7-8 classes for students). These press titles help to broaden the horizons, get inspired by the stories of people worth imitating or choose the direction of further education. In addition, they contain many tips on effective learning. The mail also allows you to order archival numbers of these titles.
