Postcard commemorating the 30th anniversary of the resumption of Polish-Grudzin diplomatic relations
On April 28, 1992, Poland and Georgia again established diplomatic relations. Today we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of this event. On this occasion, the Company introduces a postcard with a printed postage sign, emphasizing its importance. This is a continuation of a series of postcards dedicated to diplomatic relations maintained by the Republic of Poland with other countries.
The ceremonial presentation of the card took place on April 28 this year. at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The ceremony was attended by, among others Marcin, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Kurab Beridze, Ambassador of Georgia in Warsaw, Tomasz Zdzikot, President of the Board of Poczta Polska SA and representatives of the diplomatic corps.
- Poles and Georgians combine not only good relations, but also a love of freedom and sovereignty. We understand very well today's determination of the Ukrainian society fighting with unpredictable Russian aggression - noted Deputy Minister Marcin Przyracz.
The author of the project is Jan Konarzewski, who in the illustration part of the publishing house placed Polish and Georgia national colors in the form of a puzzle. In this way he emphasized national elements and composed graphics symbolizing friendly relations between both countries.
- Poczta Polska closely cooperates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, issuing philatelic values emphasizing the importance of diplomatic relations connecting our country with other countries. Cards and postage stamps are an important tool of diplomacy, enabling reaching with a message to millions of recipients. It is also a good field for international cooperation. Close Polish-Gruzińskie relations have already resulted in, among others In the past, a joint philatelic emission depicting on the 10th anniversary of the disaster near Smolensk, the figure of the late President Lech Kaczyński, and in plans we have another joint undertaking - emphasized Tomasz Zdzikot, president of the board of Poczta Polska.
We established official diplomatic contacts with the Georgian State over 100 years ago, a few months after the Democratic Republic of Georgia, on May 26, 1918, proclaimed its independence. A few years later, Georgia lost his sovereignty as a result of annexation by the Soviet Union. The Polish government did not recognize the force of Georgia in the Costuction Federal Soviet Federal Republic. The Polish authorities maintained contacts with representatives of the Georgian Emigration Government in Paris, and Marshal Józef Piłsudski opened the boundaries for cadets and officers of the Georgian army, who, as officers of the Polish Army contract, participated in the September campaign and fought in the ranks of the Home Army, including in the Warsaw Uprising.
- The history of Polish relations with Georgia is over a hundred years old, but the last 30 years seem to be the time of the most intense joint activities on the economic, cultural and, above all, political level. The foundations of our relationships are common values and interests, which result from various geopolitical conditions, but especially from cultural closeness and love of freedom and independence. I think we can safely say that Georgia is one of Poland's greatest friends, which is why the Polish post office honor the renewal of our diplomatic relations on a piece of paper with a printed post -fee sign seems to be obvious - says Wiesław Włodek vice president of Poczta Polska.
70-year-old Soviet domination ended with the re-proclaiming of Georgia's independence in the spring of 1991. Shortly thereafter, Poland recognized the Independent and Sovereign Georgian State for the second time in the 20th century. The official resumption of diplomatic relations took place on April 28, 1992, during the visit of the Georgian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Micheil Ukleby in Warsaw. A protocol was signed on establishing diplomatic relations between the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Georgia.
In 2020, on the 10th anniversary of the Smolensk disaster, Poczta Polska, together with the Post of Georgia, issued a stamp with the image of the late President Lech Kaczyński to recall his merits for independence and sovereignty of Georgia. In December 2022, a joint broadcast of the Polish and Georgia stamp is planned to be dedicated to the Georgian, Orthodox saint and martyr killed in Auschwitz, Grigola Peadze.
About a piece of paper:
30th anniversary of the resumption of Polish-Grudzin diplomatic relations
Card project: Jan Konarzewski
Number of cards: 1
Value: A
circulation: 5,000
printing technique: offset
format card: 148 x 105 mm.
Date of introduction into circulation: April 28, 2022.