Katarzyna Majgier - an award -winning writer will meet with readers in post offices

Katarzyna Majgier - an award -winning writer will meet with readers in post offices

Spring will come to Poczta Polska's outlets together with Katarzyna Majgier. The author of books for children, youth and adults will meet with readers in Sopot, Łódź and Warsaw. Her latest novel "Cichy Potok" is a historical book with a criminal thread, which for several weeks will be available only in post offices. Meeting participants will be able to win it by taking part in a fascinating writing game.

Katarzyna Majgier is a graduate of psychology of the Jagiellonian University. As a writer, she made her debut in 2006. She quickly gained popularity by writing books for adults ("century -old inn", cycle "kitchen doors") and for children and adolescents. For books for younger readers, she won, among others The main prize in the competition Astrid Lindgren and the Kornel Makuszyński. In addition to writing books, he creates scripts of internet games, publishes articles and photos on the Internet and the press, and conducts journalistic, writing and sometimes plastic workshops.

Author's meetings will take place in:

  • March 14 - UP Sopot 1, ul. Tadeusz Kościuszko 2,
  • April 1 - UP Łódź 1, ul. Juliana Tuwim 38,
  • April 7 - UP Warsaw 1, ul. Świętokrzyska 31/33.

All meetings start at 17 and are open.

During each of the meetings you will be able to listen to the interview with the author, ask questions, buy a book at a promotional price and get an autograph. In addition, the author will read a fragment of her novel. People who share their ideas for the development of the story will be able to receive copies of "Cichy Potok" with dedication.

The author's meetings, which were previously held with four other authors of books available in post offices: Justyna Jelińska (crime story), Monika Wawrzyńska (funeral literature), Agnieszka Lis (moral literature), Krystyna Mirek (Custom Literature) are one of the ways to popularize reading. Poczta Polska plans to organize further such events in post offices in various regions of Poland.

The book offer is located in all own facilities of Poczta Polska. In many locations it is the only place in the area where you can buy books, newspapers and warehouses. The post office offers dozens of titles. Among them are hobby guides and books that have been selling best for years, but also detective stories and sensational, historical or biographical books.

Every month, new products and promotional publications at reduced prices appear on postal shelves.
