Customers are increasingly willing to use online payments for penalty fines

Post-Polska-Uruchomila-Platnosc-Online-Z-Mandate-ParneIn 2020, Poczta Polska noted a significant increase in customer interest in the possibility of paying a penalty mandate through the . In 2020, nearly 600,000 were adopted in both postal facilities and online. penalty fines for implementation, with a total value close to PLN 600 million.

In 2020, over 0.5 million customers used the possibility of using the payment of a penalty mandate in postal facilities. Customers of Poczta Polska in 2020. Due to the period of the coronavirus pandemic, they also more and more willingly used the possibility of paying for the online penalty. Compared to 2019, Poczta Polska noted a nearly 90% increase in the number of transactions. This form of paying the fee for penalty fines is not only easy and fast, but also completely safe for clients of Poczta Polska, because they can realize it without leaving home.

Customers can benefit from the possibility of paying the penalty mandate in all post office and postal agencies, i.e. in nearly 7,600 locations throughout the country. And the service of the service up to PLN 5,000 can also be commissioned to the postman. Poczta Polska is transferred to the bank account of the National Tax Administration on the next business day after their adoption. In the case of payments up to PLN 1200, the service fee is only PLN 12.00.

To pay for the online ticket, just visit the and provide the amount, series and number of the mandate and personal data. Other fields, such as the account number and the recipient, will be completed automatically. Thanks to this solution, customers paying the mandate can be sure that they will not make any mistake and the funds will go to the relevant tax office on time. In addition, customers will receive confirmation of payment to the e-mail address indicated in the form. The service allows you to pay the mandate using 30 most popular electronic payment methods, including: BLIK, Visa or Mastercard cards, mtransfer, I pay with IPKO or online banking. The amount of the fee charged by Blue Media for using the website is PLN 5.

Thanks to the dedicated website for online payments, customers gain a convenient solution that significantly facilitates and accelerates the payment of receivables from a penalty fine. Payments can be made from anywhere and at any time, using a device with internet access. This is another service of Poczta Polska, which is a response to the growing demand of Poles to modern and secure payment solutions.

