Women in Poczta Polska
Poczta Polska is the largest employer in the country, employing nearly 80,000 people. Analyzing the data related to employment in the company, it can certainly be said that the postal environment is strongly feminized. There are over 8.5 thousand women working in the post office than men.
Most of the duties performed in Poczta Polska by women are office nature. Most women are employed in a sales division and a logistics operations division. Ladies dominate in numbers in positions related to customer service, controllers, service service, expedition and dispersion, shipment development or sales management.
There are also many women in Poczta Polska, who hold positions usually perceived as male. The Company team works: as many as 93 women who perform the positions of qualified security guards, 96 Supreme Steeping Cars constantly driving up to 3.5 tonnes, 77 warehousemen, 41 car dispatches. In turn, 24 women are security control operators, and 4 women permanently drive cars over 3.5 tonnes. In addition, women dealing with cyber security work in the IT Poczta Poczta Department, which is one of the pillars of the company's new strategy.
It is worth noting that the average work of women in Poczta Polska is 17 years.
- We are an open company, focusing on a good employee. It is his competences and results that are the basis for us, not gender - says Tomasz Zdzikot, president of Poczta Polska SA - today, on the occasion of International Women's Day, I would like to thank all the ladies who support the functioning of Poczta Polska and I wish you health and prosperity, as well as the implementation of professional and private plans - adds Tomasz Udzikot.
Poczta Polska is an institution repeatedly awarded, also in terms of work environment and professional adaptation. As part of the "Trustworthy employer" competition, the company received the title of "Disabled friendly company". She was awarded the "HR Dream Team 2019" competition for a nationwide Christmas recruitment campaign implemented under the slogan "Get a job!". The Polish Post Office was also awarded to the HP of the highest quality 2020 for the original development project - Recruitment Academy and Employer Branding.