Another phishing action using the Poczta Polska brand

Another phishing action using the Poczta Polska brand

pp_1Poczta Polska warns against subsequent attempts to extort sensitive data or confidential information by fraudsters, calling for prudence and carefully checking the extensions of received e-mails and visited websites. Cybercriminals are again impersonating the company's brand, directing to its clients messages persuading to click on a suspicious link - similar to the real domain of Poczta Polska. The latest phishing action concerns the use of the address of the website, which differs from the true only one sign-i.e. the number 1 instead of the letter similar to it.

The risk of phisihing action is increasing. Cybercriminals are increasingly trying to extort sensitive data of Internet users to then use them for dishonest purposes. Phishing attacks reconcile not only in the good name and interests of well -known and respected companies, but also in private individuals, which often fall victim to fraud. One of the ways to appropriation of personal data of Internet users and their accounts is the use of manipulation technique, consisting in exerting a specific influence and behavior by sending emails, using very similar to the original and reserved domains of companies and institutions. The biggest threat in such situations is the transfer of phishing message by the internet user, access to an individual electronic banking account, login data and sensitive personal data.

The latest phishing action concerns the use of the eagle, in which the letter "L" has been replaced with the number "1", which can not be noticed in a hurry.

We post examples of websites not belonging to our company and:

  • (NOTE: number "1" instead of the letter "L")
  • Post-Postka [.PL (Note !!!
  • Pocztapolska [.] Ga;
  • Pocztapolska [.] CF;
  • Poland-Paczta [.] TOP;
  • Help-Poczta24 [.] PL;
  • Post-Politics [.] Net [.] PL;
  • eMONItoring-Epoczta-Polish [.] Net;
  • eMonitoring-plpocztapolska [.] com;
  • eMonitoring-PayPocztapolska [.] Net;
  • Emonitoring-Epocztapolska [.] Com;
  • Tpocztapolska [.] COM;
  • Platnosc8512-Pocztapolska [.] Net;
  • Monitoring-Epocztapolska [.] Net;
  • Eupocztapolska [.] COM;
  • Emonitoring-Upocztapolska [.] Net;
  • Emonitoring-Epocztapolska [.] Net

In order not to fall victim to cybercriminals, protect your data and assets, you should apply several rules:

  • Carefully read the addresses of pages sent in both emails and SMS;
  • Do not click on references obtained from unknown broadcasters;
  • Never respond to the request to provide personal data, passwords and/or account logins;
  • Watch out for errors in the content of the links (e.g. converted order of letters or substitution of other letters, numbers), if you find such, there is probably a fraud;
  • Some links attached to unknown broadcasters can install unwanted malware;
  • Use anti -virus software, check its relevance and install the update and scan the computer regularly;
  • Regularly change the passwords and take care of their appropriate "strength" without using slogans such as: 12345, qwerty, name, date of birth, spring2021.

If you receive a suspicious e-mail or if you suspect irregularities or incompatibilities, please inform about the event immediately to the email address: cyber .
