Another virtual sports triad of Poczta Polska - birthday of King Sigismund II Augustus and charity
Poczta Polska once again organizes a virtual sports event for employees and their loved ones and supporters of the company - a virtual sports triad. Similarly to last year, the purpose of the sporting organization of the initiative is to celebrate the next anniversary of the birth of the founder of Poczta Polska - King Zygmunt II August - and financial assistance for the beneficiaries of the "Pocztowy Dar" Foundation and local sports clubs. The Virtual Sports Triad will take place soon, on October 22 - November 6 this year.
The virtual events of Poczta Polska, initiated by 2020, is an attempt to find an alternative to the Pandemia in the traditional way of the Polish Post Office. It is also a formula that enables participation in sports fun for employees of the company from all over Poland, regardless of the workplace and place of residence.
In 2020, a stationary event, organized for employees, for the first time replaced an open run, in which everyone could take part - anywhere and at the distance of their choice (2 km, 5 km, 10 km or a cross -country triad). 1,400 people ran with Poczta Polska and it was one of the largest virtual runs organized in Poland two years ago. In 2021, taking into account the popularity of virtual running and positive opinions of the participants themselves, the post office expanded the formula of sports competition and organized a virtual event not only for running lovers. In a virtual sports triad, people who like to march and ride a bike and those who chose all of the three disciplines (march, run, cycling) could also start. Despite the fact that last year there were far fewer restrictions associated with sport than in 2020, Poczta Polska issued as many as 1308 starting numbers!
In 2022, the event will again have the formula of a sports triad, during which everyone will find the right discipline and distance for themselves: 2 km (run), 5 km (run, march), 10 km (run, march, cycling) or 15 km and 20 km (cycling). In three disciplines you can start at any distances or on a bonus distance: 5 km march - 10 km run - 20 km cycling. The virtual event lasts two weeks, from October 22 to November 6 this year. That's not all. October 22 this year. Poczta Polska also organizes the annual run and stationary march. We invite you to the Poczta Polska Pocztaowców Poczta with families and running fans. Participants can start in the race at 2 km, 5 km and 10 km, in a 2 km and 5 km walk and the youngest can run at 100 m (children up to 6 years old) and 300 m (7-10 years). Participation in the event is free, but a limit of participants is foreseen (300 people). Those interested can sign up here or on the start day at the competition office. The order of applications decides about participation.
- I cordially invite you to participate in the virtual sports triad of Poczta Polska - postcards with families and friends, but also all other people who value physical activity and join the joint sports competition. Traditional sport supporters, I encourage you to record a stationary run and march, which will take place in Warsaw. This is a very good and healthy way to spend free time, both alone and in the group of loved ones. In turn, by taking part in the virtual Triad of Poczta Polska, you can choose one or all three disciplines - running, march or cycling - and compete in a convenient time and place, which I encourage you - says Krzysztof Falkowski, president of the board of Poczta Polska.
Triada is primarily a sports initiative celebrating the Festival of Poczta Polska (502th birthday of King Sigismund II August, whose figure is associated with the creation of Poczta Polska), but also encouraging physical activity in the open air. Although these are not typical sports competitions, people who like to compete can fight for cups at the longest distances in individual disciplines and in a bonus triad (5 km march-10 km Bieg-20 km cycling). Each participant of the triad will also receive a commemorative medal with a set of gifts (including running scarf, bag, commemorative start number).
Similarly to last year, PLN 5 from each starter package will be allocated to help the charges of the "Pocztowy Dar" Foundation - local sports clubs. The possibility of additional payments to the foundation in any selected amount was also launched.
You can sign up to participate in the Virtual Sports Triad of Poczta Polska via the website until the last day of the event. The starter package depending on whether the participant will choose to participate in one discipline or in three costs PLN 49 or PLN 59. For an additional fee you can also buy a commemorative high -quality technical t -shirt.
We cordially invite you to sports competition and help the beneficiaries of the "Pocztowy Dar" Foundation.