Another postal transport with humanitarian aid for Ukraine. Value: over PLN million!

Another postal transport with humanitarian aid for Ukraine. Value: over PLN million!

1190-670Poczta Polska sends another aid transport to Ukraine. Five trucks with products passed on to its corporate Foundation "Pocztowy Dar", first will go to the Caritas magazine of the Przemyśl Archdiocese, and then to the needy recipients in the country of war. The value of gifts transported to Ukraine, on 157 pallets, is almost 235 thousand. euro, i.e. over PLN 1.1 million. 

The second transport with gifts for the inhabitants of Ukraine is another aid campaign of Poczta Polska, organized, among others in cooperation with her clients and the Foundation "Pocztowy Dar". This time, the most necessary products, such as thermal blankets, raincoats, protective shoes, sleeping bags, protective gloves, disposable diapers for children, disinfecting fluids, mineral water or first aid aid kit, were transferred by Amazon, with which the company has been cooperating as part of many services for years. The gifts went to the Postal Foundation from three Amazon distribution centers located in Gliwice, Wrocław and Pawlikowice near Łódź.

- Polish Post, in cooperation with our reliable partners, carries out another transport with gifts for the inhabitants of Ukraine. We know in how difficult circumstances live our neighbors and how much they need support now. We try to help in many fields, directing it to both needy people and Ukrainian institutions. We initiate more and more such activities, so it is certainly not our last word - says Tomasz Zdzikot, president of the board of Poczta Polska.

The first aid transport - 32 pallets of gifts - was sent on March 4 this year. He contained, among others Conservation meat, powder milk, mousses for children, bars, hygiene and disinfectants, handkerchiefs, foam pads, sleeping bags, blankets as well as a score of sheet. The value of the gifts transferred was over 224 thousand. zloty. Gifts were financed from funds, including Foundation "Pocztowy Dar", entities from the Poczta Polska group and 6 companies cooperating with the company. Help went to the steadfast employees of the Ukrainian post of Ukrposhta, with whom, despite the ongoing war, Polish postcards cooperate continuously.

In Poczta Polska - almost from the beginning of the war - a friendly collection of things currently the most -needed to the inhabitants of Ukraine is also conducted. Their list is updated on an ongoing basis - the company is in constant contact with voivodship assistance coordinators for Ukraine. The "Pocztowy Dar" Foundation also launched a special sub -account for payment for help for Ukraine 36 1320 1104 3014 4239 2000 0005. Products attached to the next transports are bought for all the funds paid to the account.

Poczta Polska has been supporting Ukraine since the beginning of Russian aggression. In agreement with the Post of Ukraine, Poczta Polska took over, among others The role of the UkrPosht connector in international postal movement. The company also joined the government's help program attacked by a neighbor. The National Postal Operator gave appropriate state structures at his disposal, including Almost 200 refugees found shelter in them in postal training and recreation centers in postal training centers) and at the Workers' Hotel, vehicles for the transport of Ukrainian citizens from the border to the crisis places indicated by the bars in Poland and for transport to the government agency of strategic reserve. The post office also reported readiness to offer refugees jobs, including in many positions where Polish language skills are not required.

Solidarity with Ukraine is also demonstrated by employees of Poczta Polska. Postal drivers mean their cars with a symbolic card located behind the glass of their cars with the slogan #Solidarnizukraina and the Ukrainian flag. On private profiles in social media, postal employees also manifest support for Ukraine.
