Comprehensively insure your motorcycle

Comprehensively insure your motorcycle

Safe motorcycle 04.2021The motorcycle season is coming, but before you dust your two wheels and set off on your way, remember about insurance. In postal insurance, you will insure your two -wheeler not only under civil liability insurance, but you can also extend the insurance with Maxicasco or Minicasco, Assistance insurance or NNW.

Motorcycles at the time of the road incident are more than cars exposed to damage or destruction, the risk of their theft is also greater. Autocasco insurance , which in the "Safe motorcycle" offer is available in two variants:

  • Minicasco provides payment of compensation in the event of theft or total damage;
  • Maxicasco provides payment of benefits in the event of partial and total damage, settled in the service variant.

In addition, it is worth getting interested in the possibility of motorcyclist equipment insurance.

When getting on a motorcycle, you must be aware that at the time of the accident the motorcyclist is exposed to the risk of much more serious injuries than a car driver, which is protected by airbags, body and belts. The motorcyclist has only a helmet and outfit. That is why we advise you to ensure the insurance of accidents that ensure payment of compensation for damage to health and allows you to apply for reimbursement of treatment costs or the purchase of rehabilitation equipment up to the amount of the sum of insurance selected.

In turn, Assistance insurance includes the organization of services and benefits in the event of a failure or incident on the road - 24h a day, 7 days a week. Repair at the scene of the incident, towing to the workshop, the possibility of using a replacement vehicle (including motorcycles), as well as reimbursement of travel expenses or organization and covering the cost of accommodation - all this can be useful on the go. Postal insurance benefits from proven solutions and a trusted partner and, regardless of the situation, the place of the incident or weather conditions, provide support for travel.

Insurance "Safe motorcycle" is available at Poczta Polska. More information about the range of offer and contributions can also be obtained by contacting by phone with postal intermediaries - phone numbers to intermediaries are available here .
