Marshals of the Sejm of the Second Polish Republic on postage stamps

Marshals of the Sejm of the Second Polish Republic on postage stamps

Sheet_marszałków_cs2Poczta Polska on the anniversary of regaining independence, i.e. November 11, 2020, will bring the issue to circulation, entitled "Marshals of the Sejm of the Second Polish Republic". 720 thousand will go to circulation. postage stamps presenting the Marshal of the Sejm of the Second Polish Republic.

As part of the issue, 6 postal stamps and 3 tags will be introduced into circulation. The stamps were all marshals of the Sejm of the Second Polish Republic: Maciej Rataj - Marshal of the Sejm of the Polish Republic of Poland, Ignacy Daszyński - Marshal of the Sejm of the Polish Republic of Poland, Kazimierz Świtalski - Speaker of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, the 3rd term, Stanisław Car - Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, the 4th term, Speaker of the Sejm of the Polish Marshal of the Sejm of the Polish Figure. Images come from paintings in the portraits of the Sejm of the Second Polish Republic, presented in the building of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. The emblem of the Republic of Poland from 1919-1927, a medal struck on the occasion of the opening of the Legislative Sejm and a portrait of Wojciech Trąmpczyński-Marshal of the Legislative Sejm, were presented at the tags.

- Our latest philatelic emission, presenting 6 Marshals of the Second Polish Republic, not only fits into the mission of our company, educating and indicating imitating patterns, but is also an important element of the extraordinary role of mail, which we proudly fill in. Caring for the preservation of tradition, we remind the figures who, arising from the independence ethos of the 1863 generation, shaped the reborn state of interwar Poland. Nowadays, it is worth showing attitudes and people for whom Poland, the affairs of the homeland and its citizens, the country's freedom and sovereignty were the highest good. Poczta Polska, a company with a 462-year tradition, consciously participates in its activities in supporting and promoting humanities and patriotic values. We are aware of the importance of these attitudes in shaping the young generation of Poles who only know the hardships of regaining and maintaining independence from history. That is why the "Marshals of the Second Polish Republic" stamps are, in my opinion, a great opportunity to celebrate the 102th anniversary of Poland regaining independence - said Wiesław Włodek, vice president of the Board of Poczta Polska.

Let us remind you that last year Poczta Polska issued a postage stamp commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Legislative Sejm. The first Marshal of the Second Polish Republic - Wojciech Trąmpczyński, was commemorated at the stamp.

- In the history of Polish parliamentarism there are many outstanding figures that had a significant impact on the fate of our homeland. Many Sejm marshals left us beautiful patterns of bold and prudent thinking about public matters. In the interwar period, those who guarded the rights and dignity of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland also took on the burden of responsibility for creating the legal foundations of the reviving Polish state. That is why I am glad that after the publication of the occasional stamp with the image of Wojciech Trąmpczyński, Poczta Polska introduces a series of postage stamps with portraits of the next six marshals of the Sejm of the Second Polish Republic. This is an expression of special recognition and great gratitude to the role they played in shaping the independent. I trust that this unique collection will also contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about distinguished states of state, whose deep concern for the good of the homeland deserves our respect and memory - Elżbieta Witek, Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, said about the emission of stamps.

About the stamp:

Author of stamping projects: Jarosław Obsendzan
Number of stamps: 6
Value: Each 3.30 PLN
Each Each 120,000 pcs.
Printing technique of stamps: Offset
format stamp: 31.25 x 43 mm
Sales sheet: 6 stamps + 3 tags  
paper: Fluorescent
date of introduction to circulation: November 11, 2020.

The stamps of this issue will be available on November 11 this year. in the online philatelic store of Poczta Polska.
