The most beautiful butterflies on postage stamps

The most beautiful butterflies on postage stamps

Arkusik-MotyleFour stamps show the most beautiful species of butterflies from Central and South America. The latest philatelic series of Poczta Polska was solemnly introduced into circulation on October 8 this year. in the Municipal Zoological Garden in Warsaw. At the same time, a new attraction was opened for guests of the Warsaw Zoo - an exhibition of exotic butterflies, which - due to the short life period of these beautiful insects - will only last until October 25 this year. Hurry with watching!

Polish Post Office, when issuing stamps with butterflies, wants to draw attention to the problem of dying species. The company, as part of social business responsibility, resembles its philatelic publications about important historical events, figures, but also socially important topics. The population of insects, in particular very sensitive to butterfly changes around the world, decreases, not only in the forests of Amazon as a result of cutting tropical forests, but also in Poland. By planting plants liked by butterflies, we can contribute to rebuilding their population. Such plants include: raspberry, crumbs, chamomile, mint.

The author of the stamps project, Andrzej Gosik, presented on them four butterflies from South and Central America: Morpho Portis, Morpho Helena, Donaus Plexippus and Agrias Narcissus. Occasional stamps, in a circulation of 168 thousand Everyone went into circulation on October 8 this year. In addition to stamps, Poczta Polska has published, in a limited version, FDC envelopes, i.e. envelopes on the first day of circulation. They have illustrations of butterfly wings.

Occasional stamps were put into circulation on October 8 this year. During the conference with the participation of Mateusz Wodajak, vice president of the Poczta Polska Board and dr. Andrzej G. Kruszewicz, director of the Municipal Zoological Garden in Warsaw. The ceremony of introducing stamps was graced by the opening of a new attraction of the Warsaw Zoo, in which new residents appeared - fabulously beautiful butterflies. A two -week exhibition will be available in the invertebrate pavilion: "Butterflies of dying jungle - fleeting beauty". Visitors will be able to see 8 species of exotic butterflies from different regions of the world. The exhibition is an autumn gift for guests of the Warsaw zoo from the Panda Foundation, which has been allowing guests to admire butterflies for the third time.

New residents of the ZOO have already started hatching. A special incubator has been installed in the invertebrate pavilion, so you can watch how inconspicuous pupae turns into colorful butterflies. The life of butterflies is short, so it's worth taking the opportunity and appear in the Warsaw zoo between October 8 and 25.

There are about 150,000 species of butterflies in the world, of which over 3,000 in Poland. They occur on all continents, except Antarctica. They belong to the most evolutionary insects.

About the stamp:

Author of stamping projects: Andrzej Gosik
Number of stamps: 4
Value: 3.30 PLN Each
circulation: 168,000 pcs.
Printing technique each stamp: Offset
format stamp: 45 x 45 mm
Sales sheet: 8 stamps
paper: Fluorescent
date of introduction into circulation: October 8, 2020.

This and other philatelic publishing houses of Poczta Polska can be purchased at postal facilities and the online store: .
