New stamps commemorating the beatifications of the Primate of the Millennium and Mother Czacka

New stamps commemorating the beatifications of the Primate of the Millennium and Mother Czacka

WyszynyPoczta Polska introduces two stamps commemorating the beatification process of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński and the mother of Elżbieta Róża Czacka. The broadcast of both qualities is scheduled for September 12 this year, the day of the solemn beatification mass.

The solemn presentation of stamps took place on September 10 this year. at the headquarters of Poczta Polska in Warsaw with the participation of the Metropolitan of Warsaw Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz, president of the Society for the Care of Paweł Kacprzyk, Fr. canon Dr. Matteo Campagnaro, administrator of the House of Warsaw Archbishops, priest Paweł Rytel-Adrianik, director of the Foreign Communication Office of the Polish Episcopal Conference.

- Poczta Polska, thanks to philatelic publications, promotes the achievements of the national heritage and commemorates great people who permanently enrolled in the pages of Polish history. As a company with over 460 years of tradition and the National Postal Operator we have this mission to fulfill. The attitudes and activities of the Primate of the Millennium and Mother Czacka are unambiguous testimonies of ethical values ​​and at the same time role models for current and future generations - said Tomasz Zdzikot, president of the board of Poczta Polska.

On the "Beatification of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński", the author of the project - Agnieszka Sobczyńska presented the figure of the Primate of the Millennium against the background of the crowd of the faithful, while celebrating Mass. in Jasna Góra.

- Poczta Polska has always commemorated the religious dimension of events in Poland, church events. It is worth mentioning here, for example, the entire pontificate of Saint. John Paul II. I am very glad that this double beatification is reflected and commemorated in the stamps of Poczta Polska - said Cardinal Dr. Kazimierz Nycz, Archbishop of Warsaw Metropolitan.

In a letter sent to the President of the Management Board of Poczta Polska and gathered at the solemn presentation of guests' stamps, Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, the Poznań metropolitan wrote: the beatification of Cardinal Wyszyński and the mother of Elżbieta Róża Czacka is an epoch -making event, just as the epoch -oriented activity was both the Primate of the Millennium, as the blind founder

They both struggled with the darkness, although different types. Cardinal Wyszyński - with the darkness of a totalitarian system, which took Poles' freedom, the right to self -determination and dignity, leading to enslavement and degradation of individuals and the whole nation. Czacka's mother - with the darkness of human hearts, enclosed in the hopelessness of her disability and with the darkness of human hearts, insensitive to the suffering of others.

- Poczta Polska is one of the most durable institutions of Polish statehood, inscribed in the history of our country and our nation. Therefore, about the roots of our statehood, inseparably connected with the history of the Catholic Church with Christian faith, we remind - similarly to Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński beautifully, organizing the unforgettable, huge celebration of the millennium of the baptism of Poland - added Tomasz Zdzikot.

Stefan Wyszyński, by almost sixty -year priesthood, was the bishop of the Lublin diocese, the Archbishop of Gniezno and Warsaw, as well as in the years 1948–1981 the Primate of Poland. He based his primacy on Marian worship, in which he grew since he was a child. In recognition of outstanding merits for the country, he was posthumously awarded the Order of the White Eagle.

The design of the stamp "Beatification of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński" by Agnieszka Sobczyńska was created thanks to close cooperation and consultations with representatives of the Metropolitan Curia in Warsaw with Anna Rastawicka - associated with the Primate Institute, the propagator of the teaching of Cardinal Wyszyński, who for years belonged to a group of people from the immediate vicinity of the cardinal.

The "beatification of the mother of Elżbieta Róża Czacka", according to the design by Bożydar Rozdeva, presents the figure of the founder of the Society for the Care of the Directable in Laski and the Congregation of the Sisters of the Franciscan Servants of the Cross. In a tag, covered with a pattern of roses - a Christian symbol of love and suffering - there is an inscription made in Braille's point magazine: "Mother Czacka".



Stefan Wyszyński

About the beatification of Mother Elżbieta Czacka
Mother of the Project: Bożydar Grozdw
Number of stamps: 1
Value: PLN 4
Edition: 168,000
Print technique: Offset and dry pressing
format. Stamp format: 43 x 31.25 mm
Paper: Fluorescent
sales sheet: 6 stamps + 6 tag
date of introduction: 12 September 2021

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