The new conveyor belt will accelerate the development of dimensions

The new conveyor belt will accelerate the development of dimensions

conveyorPoczta Polska began assembly of conveyors for developing dimensional shipments. The new conveyor belt was installed in the sorting plant in Niepołomice. Until the end of February this year. Modern devices will also be installed in Pruszcz Gdański, Wrocław and Warsaw. The machines will allow faster and more effective development of shipments. These are further investments in the automation of logistics processes of Poczta Polska, implemented according to the chosen development strategy on the KEP market (courier, parcel, express). The company will allocate about PLN 2.5 million for this purpose.    

Automation of Poczta Polska is one of the key activities included in the company's strategy for 2021–2023. In order to optimize logistics processes and develop services on the KEP market, as well as adapt processes to customer expectations, the company invests in a modern machine park. Modernizations will positively affect the efficiency of supporting the growing shipping volume, which will soon be felt by consumers.

Modern conversion tape supporting the sorting of large parcels has fed the sorting plant in Niepołomice. The loop shape device has a structure similar to luggage conveyors at airports. A new device, the contractor, is Cassioli Polska Sp. z o. o., enables more efficient service of up to 20,000 shipments per day. This is a proven solution that has been successfully functioning in Komorniki (near Poznań) and in Zabrze since last year.

- Investments in the most modern machine park will provide us with systematic development on the strategic KEP market for us. We are just starting the assembly of conveyors for parcels. The automation of logistics processes is one of the strategic goals of our company, whose implementation will translate into an increase in work efficiency, ensuring the timeliness of courier shipments at the level expected by clients, and in effect will ensure the post office of long -term development - says Andrzej Bodziony, vice president of the board of Poczta Polska.

Until the end of February this year. The next tapes will also be installed in Sortowners in Pruszcz Gdański, Wrocław and Warsaw.

Investments of Poczta Polska are, among others The response to the systematically developing e-commerce sector, which significantly increased its share in the entire purchasing market, implemented by both large and smaller entities.

One of the currently implemented projects is to acquire a second logistics facility in Warsaw. In 2021, the company began the stage of selecting the main contractor, which, according to the adopted schedule in Q4 2023, will pass the new logistics object to use. The new operating area will serve as a distribution node for servicing parcels and pallet shipments coming from other sorting plants in the country and from its own area of ​​operation. At the same time, works related to the launch of the Sorters for the automatic distribution of KEP shipments in the existing logistics units of Poczta Polska in Wrocław, Lublin and Lisim Tail near Bydgoszcz are taking place.
