From the Baltic to the Tatra Mountains - all of Poland participated in the Polish Post Office Run

From the Baltic to the Tatra Mountains - all of Poland participated in the Polish Post Office Run

thumbnail_image002_v2As many as 500 Polish towns - from the Baltic to the Tatra Mountains, over 1,400 participants, almost 12,000 kilometers covered and 192,000 kilobytes of loaded data! This is the virtual run of Poczta Polska, which took place last week on the occasion of the 462th anniversary of the foundation of Poczta Polska and the 500th birthday of the company's founder - King Zygmunt II August. The event was supported by recognized athletes, local government officials, politicians, foundations and even nearly 50 students from the Naval Academy.

Behind us is the first edition of the Virtual Race of Poczta Polska. Although the race took place in Virtual - safe in these uncertain times - the formula, there were no real emotions and at the finish line of virtual competition, almost everyone who registered themselves to the race registered!

From the moment the entries were started to the virtual run of Poczta Polska, it was clear that Poles and Poles like challenges. Although there were several different distances of 2 km, 5 km, and 10 km to choose from, more than half of the saved people decided to fight for the so -called medal cross -country triads , i.e. for covering the distances of 2 km + 5 km + 10 km in three days. It was the Triad's distance that enjoyed the most popular among runners. The start list included 523 people who took up this difficult challenge together, covering a total of 8,891 km! That's as much as more or less from Poland to Japan or Bahama.

The first participants of the event set off on their routes on October 10, and although the weather did not spoil all the next days and did not optimize the most starters, the most starters managed to "pass the finish" and get excellent results.

The virtual run of Poczta Polska attracted crowds of people of good will, who willingly supported the idea of ​​running and joined in helping young athletes from small towns. As many as 1407 people got involved in this great work by running, and those who checked in at the finish line of the first virtual sports event in the history of the Polish Post.

- We are very happy that so many runners responded to our invitation to a common, although due to the circumstances primarily as safely safe, the 462th anniversary of the emergence of the post office and the 500th birthday of our founder - King Sigismund II Augustus. It is also a personal reason for me to joy, because I have been running for many years and I definitely recommend this form of activity. The virtual run of Poczta Polska is also a socially involved project, combining sports passion and competition with the idea of ​​helping the needy, which is the main mission of our Foundation "Postal Dar" - says Tomasz Udzikot, president of the board of Poczta Polska.

Currently, funds that will finally fund the account of the "Pocztowy Dar" Foundation. Each of each purchased starter package will receive PLN 5. The collected money will allow you to promote a healthy lifestyle and sports activity among young people from small towns and support sports talents among children by funding sports scholarships, enabling trips to tournaments or buying sports equipment.
