Receive packages using PIN code

Receive packages using PIN code

300x300_ securePoczta Polska introduces another solution aimed at increasing the security of shipping. From today, customers can receive parcels delivered via Poczta Polska using the PIN code received in the SMS or E-mail.

This is another non-contact method of receiving shipments that Poczta Polska has implemented in recent weeks in order to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus SARS-COV-2 and ensuring maximum safety for employees, clients and business partners.

To pick up the package using the PIN code, all you have to do is provide the sender's phone number or the addressee's e-mail address, and Poczta Polska before delivery of the parcel-to the indicated contact channel-will provide 6 digital code. When collecting the parcel, it is enough for the customer to provide the correct PIN and the courier leaves the parcel to the addressee.

The one -off collection code will be available in the services: Pocztex, Pack+ and Postal Package.

For shipments with the following additional services: electronic confirmation of receipt, delivery to your own hands and with confirmation of receipt the reception method using the PIN code is not available. The application of the procedure also does not apply to shipments sent as part of administrative, civil, criminal and tax proceedings.

Other improvements

From April 22, 2020, in connection with the change in the provisions in the postal law, Poczta Polska introduced new, even safer guidelines regarding the delivery of registered mailing as well as postal packages and courier parcels.

Recommended lists* without confirmation of receipt and without electronic confirmation of receipt may be served to the recipient's mailbox. On the other hand, for parcel and courier shipments, which cannot be picked up for a PIN, it is enough to show an employee of Poczta Polska from a safe distance of identity, e.g. ID card, passport or driving license and allow the last 4 digits of the document verified document. The procedures of non -contact reception and delivery of domestic and foreign pallet shipments were also implemented.

Poczta Polska, together with partners, has also introduced additional protection measures and changes in the process of receiving packages, which are aimed at increasing the safety of employees and clients using the Receipt service at the point.

For the sake of safety in post offices, Plexes separating employees from clients have been installed. In addition, security zones have been separated, which determine the distance that should be kept between the employee and the client.

*The introduced changes do not apply to shipments sent to or sent by courts, prosecutor's office and other law enforcement and court bailiffs.
