Vienna relief in the digital edition. Poczta Polska introduces a limited cryptozer emission
Poczta Polska continues the formula for connecting traditions with modernity, introducing a new, limited cryptozer emission to the market. The digital philatelist value commemorates one of the groundbreaking events in the history of Poland and Europe - the Viennese relief. The collection, available from September 12 in the circulation of only 1,800 copies, will be issued on the occasion of this year's celebrations of the 340 Triumph of Poles over Turkish invaders.
The famous painting of Jan Matejko entitled "Jan Sobieski near Vienna" was used for the graphic design of the "Vienna relief" emission. A work of art presenting a victory near Vienna is currently in the collection of Vatican Museums.
People interested in limited cryptoze "Vienna relief" can buy it from September 12 during events accompanying this issue and on official websites: or .
Traditional philatelic folders with a special NFT addition
The element of the "Wiedziecziecz Vienna" collection is a folder with a traditional non -performed stamp of this emission in a circulation of 1 thousand. copies more, a special insert with the NFT token and a love letter written the day after the victorious battle by King Jan III Sobieski to his wife, Maria Kazimiera d'Arquien, called Marysieńka, will be accompanied by a special copy of the folder. The emissions will also be accompanied by the NFT cryptocopert with a crypt subcirct, which will be released in a circulation of only 200 copies. This is the first such extensive digital Poczta Polska Publishing House.
Trailer of the new cryptoze: Philatelist Talar with a portrait of Jan III Sobieski
The announcement of the cryptor's emission "Vienna relief" is the philatelist thaler "King Jan III Sobieski" - a convertible, one -time cryptocurrency token, acting as a gift coupon. It can be replaced with the digital category of cryptoze from the main collection, which is scheduled for October this year.
The Talar design shows graphics containing a portrait of Jan III Sobieski created by Lafon according to the engraver Charles Vernier. The source of this graphic is the collections of the digital collection of the Royal Castle in Warsaw. In addition, the project uses the Janina coat of arms from the work of Józef Łoski entitled "Jan Sobieski, his family, comrades in arms and contemporary monuments" (Warsaw, 1883). The source of graphics are the collections of the National Library. The project also included the image of the Hussar, which was taken from a book by Józef Ignacy Kraszewski entitled "Images of princes and Polish kings" from 1888. The original copy of the graphics is located at the National Department. Ossoliński.
Global expansion of the first Polish cryptoze
via for collecting digital postage stamps. In the closers, service users can collect not only Polish cryptors, but also digital publications of other postal operators. 7,000 have already been collected in the cryptoclast. collector items, and this number is constantly changing and growing.
Also noteworthy is the cryptoct server on the Discord enjoying the success of the digital collectors' environment. It is a great place to share your passion and exchange sentences, as well as acquiring knowledge about the NFT market, web3 technologies and technical solutions of the Polish crypto. The Polish Post also has over 6,000 Subscription newsletter and over 200 English -speaking, regularly reaching with the most important news about cryptors to all interested people.
The cryptors of Poczta Polska are supported by Dao - an elite group of enthusiasts of digital philatelic. The DAO mission is to develop a community that promotes knowledge about digital philatelic projects and supporting the dynamically developing innovative collector market, based on blockchain/NFT technology.