Official list of postal postal numbers (PNA)

From November this year. Poczta Polska has changed the way the official PNA list is selling - instead of CD, customers receive a PNA list to the e -mail mailbox address.

The official list of postal address numbers is a unique connection of the postal codes database assigned to all towns in the country, shown by the Central Statistical Office. The PNA list is the only reliable source of address information.

The list consists of four parts:

  • Alphabetically given towns, including streets according to the numerical scope of real estate in towns with more than one PNA
  • Institutions and business entities together with their address and name
  • Post offices with their address and name
  • Organizational units of Poczta Polska together with their address and name.

As part of the annual subscription, Poczta Polska provides data in the formats *PDF, *TXT, *XLS with a search engine mechanism, as well as quarterly updates of the official PNA list.

The offered PNA list in an electronic version is an ideal solution for secretariats, office and office workers of all types of companies and institutions. It is an effective and easy tool tool, useful in particular to shipping companies, contact institutions with society, banks, insurance companies, media suppliers, as well as telecommunications, internet and television operators, i.e. all customers sending large amounts of shipments.

The use of correct postal codes is a faster delivery of correspondence.

The sale of the official PNA list is carried out via the order form located at .

