RTV subscription fee among the digital services of Poczta Polska
Poczta Polska focuses on digital services. Among them is the more and more popular registration of the radio and television receiver on the website of Poczta Polska, the post office introduces facilities for subscribers in the scope of recording the receiver as well as paying the subscription set by the National Broadcasting Council.
The development of digital services is part of the strategic actions taken by the Polish Post. These are simple and convenient solutions that are gaining more and more customer interest. Subscribers found out about this who, without leaving home, registered their radios and televisions by entering the mail page . Within eight months of this year, more people have already benefited from this service than throughout 2019.
Recently, a lot of information about subscription and activities associated with it has been provided in the media, which do not have support in facts. Neither the provisions or the way postal work in this regard has changed. To make it easier to present the most important information on the subscription, detailed information can be found in a special tab on the mail website.
Who has to pay a RTV subscription?
The subscription must be paid by every owner of a radio and TV, both a natural person and an economic entity, an institution.
Who determines the amount of subscription fees?
The amount of fees is determined by KRRITV. The fees for 2021 were introduced by the Regulation of the National Broadcasting Council of July 23, 2020 on the amount of subscription fees for using radio and television receivers and discounts for paying them in advance for a period longer than one month in 2021.
How can you pay a subscription?
Each subscriber has an individual bank account number (the last eight numbers are an individual identification number), which makes it easier to make payments.
Where can you pay a subscription?
The subscription can be paid at post offices, via the platform on the Poczta Polska website ( https://rtv.poczta-polska.pl/ ) or through a traditional cash transfer at the subscriber bank.
Where can you check your account status?
If the subscriber wants to find out what the state of his payments is, you should ask:
- to the e-mail address: rtv.eod@poczta-polska.pl ,
- In the form of a correspondence to the address: Poczta Polska SA CEW Department of Subscription RTV, ul. Bernardyńska 15, 85–940 Bydgoszcz,
- By phone on business days between 8:00 and 20: 00, at (+48) 43 842 06 06 (fee according to the operator's price list).
Can you change the data and how?
Data change may include the update of personal, address data, the number of used radio and television receivers and their deregistration. This can be done without leaving home. Just look at the mail page .
Can the subscriber regularly make payments on any bonuses?
Anyone who regularly pays subscription fees can additionally use the TVP VOD platform, which allows you to watch online series, programs, films and performances of the Television Theater.
Who doesn't have to pay a RTV subscription?
People who are over 75 are exempt from fees. You do not need to perform any formalities. Poczta Polska determines when the subscriber is released from the need to pay the subscription. In the case of other entitled persons, the relevant documents should be presented in the selected post office and the statement. Then you become exempt from fees.
The full catalog of persons entitled to exemption from subscription fees can be found on the website .
During the period of epidemic threat or the state of the epidemic or in the event of cessation of facilities, you can also send documents to a dedicated e-mail address: rtv.eod@poczta-polska.pl . Personal and address data must be attached to the documentation.
What to do if the subscriber stops using a radio and TV?
In such a situation, the receivers should be unregistered immediately. Until he does, there is an obligation to pay the subscription. The receivers can be unregistered on the website .
Are there any consequences for not paying the RTV subscription?
In the absence of fees, the subscriber receives a letter informing about the nature of the notification in order to mobilize to pay fees, the next step may be a warning. As a last resort, the case may go to the tax office in order to enforce the obligation. The amount of debt enforced depends on the period for which the subscriber is in arrears with fees for the RTV subscription.
On the other hand, people using unregistered receivers must take into account the inspections carried out by the Polish Post Office. After the inspection, during which it turns out that the user has unregistered receivers, a penalty (decision) is charged, then a warning and an enforceable title in the absence of a decision.
How high can the penalty be for not paying a subscription?
The fee for using an unregistered receiver is thirty times the monthly subscription fee.
Can the post office discontinue subscription arrears?
Poczta Polska does not have such powers. Pursuant to the provisions of the Act on subscription fees, only the National Broadcasting Council, at the request of the subscriber-dear, can discontinue or spread the arrears in the payment of subscription fees in exceptional situations, if special social considerations or random cases support this.
Application for redemption or distribution in installments in the payment of subscription fees can be submitted to an electronic passing inbox via the ePUAP2 platform (a qualified digital signature or trusted profile is required), in person at the KRRiT office or postal road office to the following address:
Office of the National Broadcasting Council and Television
Department of Public Media - Subscription Department RTV
Square Cardinal S. Wyszyńskiego 9
01–015 Warsaw
More information on this topic can be found on the KRRITV website .
Why does the mail collect fees?
The obligation to register receivers results from the Act of 21 April 2005 on subscription fees and the Regulation of the Minister of Administration and Digitization of 17 December 2013 on the conditions and procedure for registration of radio and television receivers.
Poczta Polska, which is a designated operator, carries out tasks related to the RTV service, among others in the field of registration of radio/television receivers, receipt, recording and control of the obligation to pay subscription fees.