Remember! You will soon broadcast the registered letter without a stamp

Remember! You will soon broadcast the registered letter without a stamp

Fee_pobrana_baner_300x300We would like to remind you that from February 1, 2021, it will not be possible to pay for national and foreign registered letters.

At the beginning of February 2021, Poczta Polska introduces standardization of fees for registered letter parcels, both in domestic and foreign trading. All registered letter shipments can be broadcast in the same way as packages or valuable parcels, i.e. without a postage stamp. It is enough for the customer to complete the confirmation of posting and transferred the parcel to send the employee by post. Confirmation of paying for the parcel will be applied by a Polish post employee on a dedicated R sticker, which will be expanded with a special field for this. The lack of the need to stick stamps on letter shipments not only simplified the transmission process, but will also significantly reduce the service time at the postal facility.

Foreign mail operators also use a similar solution, including Germany, France, Slovakia, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Hungary.

Postal stamps can still be used to pay for unregistered letter shipments and for collector's purposes.

Poczta Polska podejmuje szereg działań zmierzających do ograniczenia ryzyka rozprzestrzeniania się koronawirusa SARS-CoV-2. Due to the state of epidemiological threat, solutions and processes are implemented as little contact as possible. In post offices, water wettings used to moisturize postage stamps were withdrawn from use to stick them to letter parcels. Dzięki temu Poczta Polska jeszcze bardziej zadba o bezpieczeństwo Klientów i swoich pracowników – mówi Andrzej Bodziony, wiceprezes Poczty Polskiej.

At the same time, we also recommend that customers use their and our employees to use the possibility of non -cash payments, e.g. payment cards or telephone. This will also reduce customer service time and queue waiting time.
