Poczta Polska introduced today the broadcast of two stamps "Poland see more"

Poczta Polska introduced today the broadcast of two stamps "Poland see more"

Polkazobacziejwiej_ark_podgl [1]The solemn inauguration of the latest philatelic emission of Poczta Polska took place at the Czocha castle in Sucha in Lower Silesia. The choice of this picturesque object is not accidental. The medieval castle was presented in the first stamp. The second philatelic value is presented by the view of the Market Square and the Town Hall in Zamość.

Two new emission stamps "Poland see more" depicting the Czocha castle and Zamość, are in the intention of Roch Stefaniak, the author of the graphic designer, a form of promotion of beautiful corners of Poland and the encouragement to travel around our country. The values ​​also included QR codes, referring to films advertising native attractions.

Zamość is one of the most beautiful and valuable teams of Old Town Europe and the world. He gained the name of the "Pearl of the Renaissance", he was also called the "Padua North" and "Ideal City". In 1992, he was placed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, joining the elite group of the greatest pearls of architecture and urban planning.

The Czocha castle is a pearl of Lower Silesia. The story of the fortress full of secrets and puzzles arouses an irresistible desire to visit interiors and castle courtyards in tourists. The castle is located in a beautiful location of the Jizera Mountains, and is surrounded by the Kwisa River. The unique architecture made it become the Polish headquarters of Hogwarts. It is a plan for film production, a place of action in books and an outdoor for painters.

The solemn presentation of the value, during which the expanded stamp sheet was unveiled and signed, was attended by Mrs. Jarosław Kuczyński, director of the Czocha Castle, Vice President of AMW Rewita - Marcin Rolski and representatives of Poczta Polska: President Tomasz Zdzikot and vice president of the company Wiesław Włodek, Andrzej Bodziony, Krzysztof Falkowski and Mateusz Wodajejko.

- Today we meet in a unique place that attracts thousands of tourists from Poland and abroad. The Czocha Castle is older than Poczta Polska, comes from the 13th century, the more with great esteem we refer to this place. Through philatelic emissions, we want to appreciate and honor this unique building, as well as show Poles. Holidays have started, it is worth discovering attractive tourist places in our country, also following our philatelic publishing houses. Emission is also an element of excellent cooperation with AMW Revita - emphasized Tomasz Udzikot.

The Polish Post and managing the Czocha Rewita Castle have been cooperating since March 2021. Companies cooperate in the scope of providing conference, training and leisure services. The purpose of their efforts is to expand the training and conference and recreational offer for the Poczta Polska Training Center and employees of the company.

- The purpose of introducing a series of stamps "Poland see more" was to show the most beautiful Polish landscapes and places with an interesting history. The latest two stamps from the series - presenting the unique Renaissance tenements and the Zamość Town Hall and the fairy -tale medieval Czocha castle - they fit into it perfectly. Until now, we have already released the Baltic coast and the Weimar chamber in the "Wieliczka" Salt Mine in 2018 and the Biebrza National Park and Geopark Mużakowa Arch in 2020. I believe that these amazing directions of holiday travels will go to the tastes of philately collectors - says the vice president of Poczta Polska Wiesław Włodek.

- From today, the beautiful architecture of the Czocha castle is shown on a stamp, which is characterized by sophisticated and seriousness. For most of us, philatelic is synonymous with a tradition that you need to cultivate today, which is why I am very happy that the castle has gained another reason to be associated with high culture. Our walls are visited by thousands of tourists from Poland and the whole world, enabling them to acquire such a stamp is a great honor for us - said Jarosław Kuczyński.

About the stamp:

Project author: Roch Stefaniak
Number of stamps: 2
Value: 3.60 PLN Each Each Each
Each: 120,000 Pcs. Each
printing technique: Offset
format stamp: 51 x 39.5 mm
Paper: fluorescent
sales sheet: 8 stamps
Date of introduction in circulation: June 28, 2022.
